Dukes Education - Bursar (Little Dukes)

Bright Beginnings Day Nurseries

Bright Beginnings offers outstanding childcare for little ones from 3 months, to 5 years in the pre-school.

Baby rooms cater for children from the age of 3 months until they are confidently mobile. Once they are actively up and about with confidence and ready to move on, Tweenies would be their next stop. The Toddler Room accommodates 2 and rising 3 year olds in two groups, the Red group and the Yellow group. This allows the nursery to provide activities which are designed specifically at the developmental stage each group, rather than a general activity, which would leave some children bored, and others out of their depth. Finally, children will enter the pre-school group either on joining the nursery or having moved up from Toddlers. The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is followed by all of the children and extension activities are offered in all areas of the curriculum to ensure that they are able to achieve their full potential.

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