King's Business - 1955-09

Here are some practical suggestions on how to

Win Our Loved Ones

BY GEORGE H. MOORE I n a little tract, How to Pray For the Unsaved Members Of Our Families, Letgers stresses that we need to make special note of God’s recognition of the family as a unit, and the promises for the salvation of that unit when one member of the family claims the promise in faith. The following Scriptures are given to substantiate this point of view: Gen. 7:1; Ex. 12:13; Joshua 2:17-21; Acts 2:37- 39; 1 Cor. 7:14. With faith and obedience, there must be commitment. N o rm a n Grubb, in his little book, Touching the Invisible, emphasizes the fact that there is the work of the cross About the Author George H. Moore has had 11 years ex­ perience as pastor in the Friends Church in California, Oregon and Idaho. He has a Ph.D. degree from the University of Iowa and has taught at George Fox and Penn Colleges and is currently Assistant Professor of Psychology at the Biola Bible College in Los Angeles.

—that which Christ did for us in the shedding of His blood —; and there is the way of the cross which Christ calls His disciples to travel. The only way that we can expect the work of the cross to become a reality in the hearts of our unsaved loved ones is for us to be willing to walk in His way. Jesus said of Himself, prophetically, and of us who are His followers, “Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone” (John 12:24). Crucifixion of the old self must precede the resurrection of a productive, fruitful life. When making preparations for this article, the writer telephoned a friend to see if she with her hus­ band would share the circumstances that led to his conversion. Consent was gladly given, but her first reaction was most interesting and i l l u m i n a t i n g . Said she, “I will admit that I was the greatest hin­ drance to my husband’s finding the CONTINUED

an God? a title of an early book by J. Edwin Orr poses a question that must be an­ swered by every Christian

who expects to win an unsaved loved one. The conviction must be firm that God can bring forces into operation that will lead to the conversion of the ones dear to our hearts. F a i t h and confidence in the power of God to act does not just happen. But that confidence can be secured by any Christian who will make the effort. Basically it results from a personal search as to the methods which God uses in the answer of intercessory prayer. The important things of life require systematic diligence. This is no exception. As you go through the Bible, with pen and paper at hand, make a note of prayer promises, of prayer answers, the circumstances involved. Give special attention to the relation of faith and obedience to prayer.


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