King's Business - 1955-09

Out of the

Lab Donald S. Robertson, Ph.D. Chairman, Dept, of Science, Biola Bible College

Boys and girls love JUNIOR LIFE which will offer bright color on EVERY PAGE starting with the October quarter" In fact, 5 complete pages each week will feature full-page presentations in picture strip form—a Bible story, a famous classic, and an exciting adventure story, all at the SAME price as before. Samples sent on request. ADVANCE YOUTH SERIES "Fundamentals of Our Faith" is the subject of the new Standard Advance Youth Graded Series, Second Year. Both a teacher's manual and a correlated pupil's quarterly are provided, as was offered in the first-year series. A much-needed study for the youth of today.

The Nature W hat is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and has crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet” (Ps. 8:4-6). In this passage the psalmist re­ minds us of the awful responsibility that was given to man through the father of the race, Adam. It is this God-given dominion over nature that the scientist has been exploiting for the last few centuries. The benefits that science has wrought for modern man were potentially available to all men down through the ages if they had only taken this responsibility seriously. Today it seems that the scientist is almost too good at unraveling the mysteries of the universe. His prob­ ing has loosed the tremendous power that was bound within the atom at the time of creation. These discoveries have been exploited primarily for their destructive potentialities and not until recently have the construc­ tive possibilities of the atom been seriously pursued. Thus, as is so often the case, man has utilized his domin­ ion over another phase of God’s crea­ tion primarily to kill and maim thousands of.-his fellow men. This trend of scientific discovery to enable men to more efficiently destroy each other has been of some concern to many present-day scientists. Not because they believe that God’s trust has been betrayed in creating such weapons of destruction but because they believe they have betrayed a responsibility which is theirs to their fellow men. The Christian, of course, should take a higher view of man’s responsi­ bility. Man is first responsible to God

of Man and because of this higher order of responsibility he then has a responsi­ bility to his fellow men. Thus, the Christian looking at what modern science has accomplished should first be concerned with the relationship of these discoveries to the God-given dominion of man over nature. Has the scientist gone beyond what God intended when he made the dis­ coveries leading to the production of the atom and hydrogen bombs? The Christian must believe that these dis­ coveries have been made within the permissive will of God. For if they were not then God would not be omnipotent. It would be a simple matter for an all-powerful God to limit what man could learn about His creation. No, we can only con­ clude that God meant for all the potentialities of the atom to be made available to man. Having settled this issue then the Christian is free to look elsewhere to determine why these discoveries of science, which are potentially capable of benefiting mankind, are so frequently used to destroy him. The trouble is with the nature of man himself. Since he has lost sight of his responsibility to God there has been a resulting betraying of his relatively lesser responsibility to his fellow men and as a result the destructive aspects of these discover­ ies have been exploited rather than the creative. This is just another evidence of the fallen nature of man. As long as man (not only the scien­ tist but all men) has only this fallen nature we can expect the destructive aspect of science to play an important role in human society. Not until men have had an experience with God, converting them into new creatures, will the full creative force of man’s God-given dominion over nature be felt. END.

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