King's Business - 1955-09


Edited b y Oran I I . Smith Chairman, Dept, of Missions, Biola Bible College

Communism and World Evangelism T he sharp sickle of Communism has gathered 800 million people into its garner in less than a

by Don Hill is

preached in Spain? When will the despised, depressed and boycotted Protestant minority in that country be given liberty to worship and free­ dom to evangelize? The self-evident answer is —not until a revolution breaks the back of the religious fas­ cism under which Spain’s people now struggle. Not until the purple curtain of Romanism has been tom in two. The persecuted Evangélicos of Colom­ bia bear witness to the fact that “any change would be an improvement.” India If India falls before the Communist hordes, we will be told by the econo­ mists that it was but the expected revolt of a hungry people whose per capita income is $54 a year. But let’s go deeper—back of that unspeakable poverty is a religious system which fosters the worship of birds, beasts and creeping things plus a caste sys­ tem that binds millions of men to a hopeless life of social degradation. Hinduism is undeniably the root of India’s poverty • and unrest. It ig­ norantly, but assuredly, constitutes the basic premise for a revolution. India has been offered the gospel. Un­ der the deadening influence of ortho­ dox Hinduism she has rejected it. Communism may provide the shock that will awaken India’s people to their need. You will do well to revaluate your praying. Christ is the Lord of the harvest. He rules in the kingdom of men even while Communism tram­ ples nation after nation under foot. An awakened, Spirit-empowered Church is God’s first answer to the world’s paganism, and hence it must become your first burden. When that cannot be found then God makes the wrath of men to praise Him, and even the stones to cry out in His behalf. He will not share His glory with an­ other. To God he the glory. THE KING'S BUSINESS

trous religions. Under the sovereign providence of God, Communism is unwittingly providing an avenue of escape from the shackles of fallacious religious systems for millions of peo­ ple. Satan is being allowed to over­ step himself. The Point Illustrated For centuries China’s masses have lived in the bondage of Confucian­ ism’s ancestor worship and Bud­ dhism’s eternal search for Nirvana. Rudely and painfully these false trappings are being shaken off. Her people are being awakened to the woeful inadequacy of their gods. This presents to the Church of Jesus Christ in China her greatest oppor­ tunity to preach the gospel of an all- sufficient Saviour. It is certainly pos­ sible that the richest harvest ever experienced in China is taking place today. “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth [Chinese] laborers.” The Banner of Revolution Why is Communist party member­ ship in Italy second in size only to that in Russia? Why have Czechoslo­ vakia, Yugoslavia and other central European countries become such apt prey to Communism? How is it that the Latin American countries are being plagued from within with this atheistic menace? The answer is plain. It is the. inevitable uprising of men who have had to live and suffer under the tyranny of the Roman Catholic Church. It is the natural endeavor of 300 million oppressed people to free themselves from the serfdom of an idolatrous and dicta­ torial religion. Thus far, Communism has .provided the only banner under which such a rebellion could be fos­ tered. Spain When will the gospel be freely

generation. Its heavy hammer has bludgeoned thousands of strong minds into subservience. Communism marches on, trampling entire nations under foot. But God What is your attitude in the light of these devastating facts? Are you allowing it to imply that Christ has been dethroned—that He has nothing to say in these matters — that all authority in heaven and on earth are no longer His? Are you permitting your quaking unbelief to suggest that God has been caught unprepared? The answer is “no,” a thousand times “no.” The Spread of Communism The destructive blows of this athe­ istic philosophy have fallen with na­ tion-shattering violence on non-Chris­ tian lands. Satan has masterfully cap­ italized on economic poverty, aca­ demic illiteracy, political unrest, in­ ternational injustice and spiritual ignorance as his entering wedge. In every case, however, these conditions stem from false humanistic or idola-

D O N ’T M I S S “Journeg to the fiolg Hand”

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