King's Business - 1955-09

refer to the UN, its policy to abandon prayer and its refusal to take God into consideration? 5. Notice the open revolt prophesied in v. 3. What are the “bands” and what are the “cords” of this verse? Do you think they refer to the righteous restric­ tions of God’s holy law? Are the nations of the world interested in obedience to the law of God? 6. Is God perplexed and fearful because of the hatred of men? (v. 4.) 7. What is going to be His answer to the puny and futile opposition of men? (v.5.) 8. Whose King is going to rule the world, man’s or God’s? (v. 6.) October 30, 1955 Christianity Brings New Hope (Rom. 1:14-17; II Cor. 5:17-21; Isa. 56:6-8) DAILY READINGS Oct. 24 — God's Love Toward Us John 3 Oct. 25 — What Shall We Do? Acts2 Oct. 26 — Rugged Determination Rom.8 Oct. 27 — Death and Eternal Life Rom.7 Oct. 28 — The Work of Grace Eph.3 Oct. 29 — The Inner Witness I John 5 HEART OF THE LESSON The only hope of the world is the Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel. In Him alone is there salvation from the guilt and power of sin; in Him alone is there hope of a world of peace and prosperity. No wonder Paul speaks of the coming of Christ as “the blessed hope” (Titus 2:13). No wonder Paul proudly declares that he is not ashamed of the Gospel! STUDY QUESTIONS 1. What does Paul mean by his state­ ment in Rom. 1:14 about being “debtor”? In this same connection are you paying your debt? 2. Why was not Paul ashamed of the Gospel? (w , 16-17.) What does the Gos­ pel accomplish? What is meant by “salva­ tion”? To whom is the Gospel effective? How does it become effective unto salva­ tion? How does the believer become the righteousness of God? Note that the very heart of the Gospel and of the entire book of Romans is contained in this wonderful statement about the Gospel. 3. What happens to the1person who be­ lieves in the Lord Jesus Christ? (II Cor. 5:17.) 4. Who originated the Gospel and the amazing plan of salvation it reveals? (v. 18.) 5. How did God find it possible to rec­ oncile sinners to Himself? (v. 19.) 6. What is the responsibility of every believer? (II Cor. 5:19b-20.) Discuss the meaning of “ambassador” in connection with the Christian’s duty to the world. END.

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