King's Business - 1955-09

FOR THE FIRST TIME a pocket Scofield reference edition of New Testament (POCKET EDITION) Page Size 3%" x 5%6" only %6" thick Printed on Genuine Oxford India Paper Leatheroid Binding. . . . . $3.75 Leather Binding . . . . . . 5.00 Morocco (Leather Lined) Binding.................... .. . 7.50 Complete Scofield notes and refer­ ences identical to larger editions. BIOLA BOOKROOM 560 S. HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES 17, CALIF. " West’s largest Evangelical bookstore”


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Christian [duration

Sunday b y Homer A. Kent, Th.D., and

Oct. 2, 1955 The Birth of Jesus Luke 2:1-14 Pointers on the Lesson This quarter’s lessons will be taken from the Gospel of Luke. As a matter of fact the next quarter’s lessons will also be taken from Luke. We ought therefore to gain a good knowledge of this great book by this six months’ study. Facts About Luke's Gospel As in becoming acquainted with a new city or vicinity, it is often helpful first to get a comprehensive view of it from some high vantage point, so in studying books of the Bible it is very helpful to get a bird’s-eye view of the book as a whole before looking more minutely into its var­ ious parts. Some facts about Luke’s Gos­ pel therefore follow. Its purpose is to pre­ sent Jesus Christ as the Son of Man, the perfect Man, the ideal of humanity. Its key phrase is “Son of Man” which ap­ pears 26 times. It possesses the most beau­ tiful Greek in the New Testament, hence it has ofttimes been called the most beauti­ ful book in the world. It’s the Gospel of song, hence Luke has been called the first Christian hymnologist. Think of the songs in the first two chapters. It’s a book full of prayer. Fifteen instances are recorded where Christ prayed. It’s the Gospel of womanhood. This book has done much to lift woman to her rightful place. It’s a Gospel of contrasts, such as the rich man and Lazarus and the nine lepers and the one. It’s a Gospel of unique parables. Of 23 parables in the book only three are found in the other Gospels. It’s a Gospel full of word pictures. It possesses over 300 words peculiar to it. Tradition says Luke was a painter as well as a physician. At any rate, he has painted word pictures of imperishable value, as, for instance, the story of the Good Samaritan. The Birth of Christ (2:1-14) If we are limited as to time and space in the consideration of the birth of Christ, it will help us to know that this subject will be considered again in connection with our study of the Christmas lesson. Verses 1-7 show us how divine providence worked in wondrous ways to provide the proper setting for the birth of Christ. Prophecy said that He must be bom in Bethlehem (Mic. 5:2), and so an un- THE KING'S BUSINESS

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