King's Business - 1955-09

SUNDAY SCHOOL continued questions of the wise men there but answering questions which those men asked Him! When Mary asked why Jesus had not come with them, He told her that He must be about His Father’s busi­ ness. Obediently He returned to Nazareth with Mary and Joseph. Luke tells us in his gospel that “Jesus increased in wis­ dom and stature (growth), and in favour with God and man.” If the Lord Jesus had not been the Son of God, He prob­ ably would have complained and pouted about having to leave the beautiful tem­ ple to return to the little town of Naz­ areth. Are YOU Christian boys and girls daily growing in wisdom (the things you learn and the way in which you use them), in stature, and in favor with God and man? Do your family, your teachers, your friends, and your neighbors each day see that you are more like your Sav­ iour in every word and every action? Oct. 16, 1955 John Baptizes Jesus Luke 3:2b-8a, 15-22 Pointers on the Lesson The ministry of John the Baptist pre­ pared the way for the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. The lesson properly connects these two ministries and includes the bap­ tism of Jesus at the hands of John. Thus Jesus is introduced to His public ministry. Our series of lessons has as its purpose the study of the person of Christ as presented by Luke, so today’s lesson should give main emphasis to Him rather than to John. Preparation for Jesus (Luke 3:2b-8a) The imagery in this passage doubtless refers to preparations that were often made for the coming of a king to some country or for some occasion. Every pos­ sible care was exercised to make the com­ ing impressive and easy. So Jesus’ com­ ing in His public ministry was prepared for with all possible care, and God’s man to clear the way was John the Baptist. John acted in response to the Word of God (2b). John preached in such a man­ ner as to turn people’s attention to the things of God. He preached a message of repentance (v. 3). He also acted in fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy (Isa. 40: 3-5). The idea presented in the passage is well expressed by the J.F.B. commen­ tary to the effect “that every obstruction shall be so removed as to reveal to the whole world the salvation of God in Him whose name is the Saviour.” Preaching About Jesus (Luke 3:15-20) So powerful was John’s preaching that the people began to question as to whether the preacher was John or Christ. John’s true character as a witness for God showed itself in his disclaiming any identity with Christ. Compared with Christ he felt as nothing (v. 16). He then proceeded to tell the people about Christ and what He would do when He entered upon His public ministry. He would baptize the faithful with the Holy Ghost (v. 16). He would carefully discriminate between good and evil. He would act as a judge (v. 17).

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