King's Business - 1955-09

lap by the wind; she read the message and through it was brought to Christ

try to Christians. Through the Tract Club its Christian folders and booklets on Christian living have helped many young and old Chris­ tians alike. In a recent letter month several thousand testimonies from Christians were received telling of blessing and encouragement re­ ceived through the tract ministry. Good News entered 1955 with a 44 million tract campaign. It hopes to reach this many people in one year with its colorful, streamlined tracts. Since indications are that at least one tract in each 500 is used to bring a soul to Christ, if the 44 million goal is attained there is the possibility of more than 80,000 souls being won to Christ through this ministry this year. But while Good News is in the midst of its greatest campaign the vision of Clyde Dennis goes beyond the American continent to the fields of the world where more than 10 million new souls are becoming literate each year. The crying need on all mission fields is for more lit­ erature. And Good News is re­ sponding with the setting up of a unique IN/lissionary Printing School. Dennis feels that this new phase of the Good News ministry may be the most important step the young company has taken thus far. The new printing school will train young people on modern, fast print­ ing machines that will he the same that can be installed inexpensively on any mission field in the world. One of Dennis’ favorite Scripture verses is fitting to his Good News ministry: “The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it” (Ps. 68:11). And so from Chicago and Beaten- berg the gospel message is going to all the world from the presses of Good News Publishers. Readers interested in receiving informa­ tion and samples of Good News tracts may write Good News Publishers, Room G, 411 S. Wells St., Chicago 7, 111. — ED.

Here's corner of stock room where small individual orders are filled. Good News keeps some 12 million tracts and booklets on hand; ships nearly 175,000 daily.


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