King's Business - 1955-09

M e a d e ,.

This is the b ab y Moses . . 9


Sirs: In the Tri-C article in the June K.B. you mentioned a crusade in which there were over 50 first-time decisions. I had always thought that all decisions for Christ were first­ time decisions. Wisconsin Dells, Wis. Ross Milo Curry The term is used to distinguish be­ tween those who cere accepting Christ as Saviour and those who might come forward at the invitation to make some other decision such as re-dedi­ cating their life. — ED. Sirs: Please discontinue my subscription. The main reason for my taking this step is because of your Sunday school lessons being copyrighted by the National Council. Mantua, N J. Mrs. Doris Geitz The National Council provides only the outline material for the lessons. The King’s Business’ own writers do all the writing — ED. Sirs: In your August issue all the old mass psychology of emotionalism has been discarded and a true intellec­ tual approach has been used. You have started something I feel should be continued semi-annually or at NATIONAL COUNCIL AUGUST ISSUE

Do you know that LIGHT LESSONS


make the Bible ALIVE and ALLUR ING to all ages— young and old?

—vital helps to learning) —Spiritually (a stirring, practical challenge pervading every lesson) With Gospel Light lessons in your Sunday school your pupils will attend more regularly, show more interest, learn more of the Bible, and bring more new members. Not just a few lessons but many will now be remembered for a life-time. Classes dwindling because of worn-out ways of teaching will be­ come a forgotten experience. Teachers will rejoice because of personal im­ provement and progress. Gospel Light lessons have been thor­ oughly tested in thousands of Sunday schools throughout the land, but still— you must see them to appreciate their value. Sample materials will be sent free on request.

You want your Sunday school to at­ tract more people of every age. You want to introduce more people to the Bible and its message of the Savior. You want to give all whom you reach a living knowledge of God’s Word. Therefore -you want your Sunday school lessons to be arresting, appeal­ ing, and inviting. Gospel Light Lessons have these characteristics. They teach the whole Bible and they teach it . . . —Simply (proper vocabulary and thought patterns for each age level) —Sensibly (an orderly, well-balanced Bible curriculum) —Scientifically (educationally-correct visual aids and manual activities

least annually. Sacramento, Calif.

Mrs. Waunita Hoff

Sirs: There certainly is a need for a book like this. I like the fact that there is no date on it. Please send me

50 extra copies. San Francisco, Calif.

W. Robert Stover CBMC Chairman

Sirs: I am ordering 200 extra copies of

Please send me complete details including chart on "How to Organize Your Sunday School. Dept. K d V

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the August issue. Redondo Beach, Calif.

C. T. Wallberg, Pastor Congregational Church of Christ

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GOSPELLIGHTPRESS 1214 So. Brand Blvd. * Glendale 4,.Calif.

There has been a most gratifying response to our special August issue that was designed to present the claims of Christ to the non-believer. For more about this issue see page 5. — ED

-Zone____State- Church_______ ;-------------------------- :---------- O Pastor □ S. S. Supt. Q Dir. Ch. Ed. f~l Teacher Q Adult for own enlightenment


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