King's Business - 1955-09


I just can’t praise the Lord

Newswires out of Milwaukee a fortnight ago were carrying the story of the first formal heresy trial ever held in the Northwest Synod of the United Lutheran Church in America (membership: 2,061,004). On trial was 31-year-old Rev. George Crist Jr. The charges: “Holding, teaching and preaching doctrines in conflict with the Lutheran faith.” Pastor Crist made it unmistakably clear where he stood. He openly denied the virgin birth of Christ, expressed doubt about the resurrection and ascension. As for Christ’s miracles Crist blandly ap­ pealed to naturalistic explanations. Sample: Explaining the miracle of the loaves and fishes he theorized that Jesus prevailed on those who had brought lunch to share it with those who had not. The synod, considered one of the more liberal Lutheran groups, charged these views proved that Crist had abandoned the funda­ mental principles of Scripture inter­ pretation which guided Luther in the Reformation. The verdict: guilty. Recommendation: immediate suspen­ sion from the ministry. In Pasadena, Evangelist Merv Rosell announced this month the release of a dramatic, hour-long, color motion picture, The Glass Mountain. The new film, featuring Rosell, is produced by Westminster Films (Skid Row Stop­ gap, Cargadero, Of Wings and Mis­ sions) . Back in America after a 41^-month European preaching mission, Evange­ list Billy Graham gave forth with an observation or two. Said the lanky preacher: “One of the most moving moments of my tour was in a church in Geneva on the eve of the Big Four conference with President Eisenhower and Secretary of State Dulles there praying. As the President knelt with his head bowed in prayer, I remarked to a friend that ‘I believe God is really on the side of that man.’ ” Graham spoke to about 4 million per­ sons during revival meetings in Scot­ land, London, Paris, Nuremberg, Hol­ land and the Scandinavian countries. The evangelist said there is a great spiritual hunger all over Europe but in Sweden and Denmark the people were less receptive. “Morals in Scan­ dinavia are very low.” Graham’s next crusade begins in Toronto Sept. 18.

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