Abbey Lens a Year in review 2020-21



April 2021 Vol 7: Issue No. Twenty nine

Excellence Through Partnership

Count on it! #NationalNumeracyDay

BUILD CONFIDENCE Abbey has signed up to be a National Numeracy Day Champion! Join us and help our community get their number confidence with free resources and activities. Sign up now: numeracyday


10K CHARITY WALK During half-term my friends and I from 5P (Daisy, Eliza, Lily and Olivia) decided to do a 10K walk around our local area for Dementia. This is an illness that affects lots of families. Our target was £200 but we smashed it and raised £600 we had lots of fun while we did it! A big thank you to every one who donated.

By Amelia Durber 5P

Thanks to Amelia for the story.

[Ed - Magnificent effort and a lovely story - well done!]

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