Abbey Lens a Year in review 2020-21



May 2021 Vol 7: Issue No. Thirty two

Excellence Through Partnership

Healthy School! New Award

BRONZE The healthy schools rating scheme has been designed to recognise and encourage schools’ contributions to pupils’ health and wellbeing. It celebrates the positive actions that schools are delivering in terms of healthy eating and physical activity, and aims to help schools identify useful next steps in their provision. The scheme is part of a wider series of government actions to support pupils’ health and wellbeing, and is a commitment from the government’s Childhood Obesity Plan.

Abbey has been awarded the Bronze rating!

This voluntary scheme is available for both primary and secondary schools. Schools complete a self-assessment and then receive a rating based on their responses around food education; compliance with the school food standards; time spent on physical education and the promotion of active travel.

Well done us!

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