BB7Y LENS October 2020 Vol 7: Issue No. Six Excellence Through Partnership
Curse that cursive! Cracking handwriting
JOIN IT UP At Abbey, our children are learning how to form their lower-case letters using cursive script. Everyone from Reception upwards learns a cursive script. Cursive handwriting helps children learn a form of handwriting that will help them to produce legible and reasonably effortless writing. This will help improve their speed, confidence and competence. It supports basic reading and spelling achievement and is supported by the dyslexic foundation. The Y2 (see pics) children have already been trying out their cursive letter formation and practising very hard. We are proud to say that they are all making excellent progress! Every year group continues to work on this script - have a go at home! A future Abbey Lens will showcase handwriting at the top end of the school. WEBSITE GAMES Our website has a selection of educational games for all ages. These games change every month and they are selected by our website hosting company. Check out these games at the following link kidszone/
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