King's Business - 1960-08

personal evangelism by Benjamin Weiss T wo men were earnestly talking about something that seemed to be very important. One stood quietly as if about to make a decision. He fid­ geted uneasily, then looked^ at the other man and said, “ Not now. Some other time.” And he added, “ Real soon, but not now.” They were friends. They were play­ ing golf. One used the opportunity to speak to the other about making a decision to receive Jesus Christ as His Saviour. It seemed so urgent that he interrupted the golf game to speak to him. In a kind, insistent way he of­ fered his friend the greatest oppor­ tunity of his life. The decision was, “ Not now. I will some time.” The golf game was never finished. Tragedy was only seconds away. As the man who had appealed to his friend to make the decision turned to resume play he heard a dull thud, and turning h e saw h is f r i e n d stretched out on the ground. He had been struck on the head by a golf ball. He never regained consciousness. His answer, “Not now, some other time” was final. To suspend action on such a vital decision is an easy excuse. It is one of the common evasive excuses when there is no good reason that it should not be done at once. Many believe they can come to the Saviour at any time, at their own choosing. Jesus said, “ No man can come to me, except the Father which sent me draw him” John 6:44. The Bible gives a serious warning about our response to God’s invitation. It says, . . Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your heart . . .” Psalm 95:7, 8. God speaks through His Word, through Christian friends, through His ministers, and sometimes through circumstances. The appeal is always, “ Listen, follow the inclina­ tion and invitation; don’t reject His offer.” No, we can’t compel people to make a decision to receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour, but we can present Him to them and invite them to make a favorable decision. We can present Jesus Christ to an­ other person at any time and in any place. But there is, indeed, an urgency to do it. It may be our only opportun­ ity. The Bible says, “ Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation . . . ” 2 Cor. 6:2. The excuse may be flimsy, but we have given the invitation. Now is God’s time. Now!


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AUGUST, 1960

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