King's Business - 1960-08

by Arnold D. Ehlert Librarian, Siala College

book reviews

EXPO S IT ION— PLUS! bv Roy L. Laurin, D.D.

ROMANS—Where life begins ............ $4.00 I CORINTHIANS Where life matures $3.50 II CORINTHIANS Where life endures $3.00 PHILIPPIANS Where life advances $3.00 COLOSSIANS—Where life is established $2.50 I JOHN— Life at its best ............... $2.50 MEET YOURSELF IN T h F BIBLE ........$3.00 from your bookstore, or D U N H A M PUBLISHING CO M P A N Y Findlay, Ohio

school movement is only one avenue of this. In the present volume, the Professor of Bible, at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, covers in sixteen chapters the basic issues; matters of definition, historical orientation, and chief proponents. Among the latter are Augustine, Calvin, Abraham Kuy- per, and Klaas Schilder. Culture itself cannot save us, the author contends; religion is to be dis­ tinguished from it, but not separated from it (p. 40). Calvinism is under­ stood by its proponents to be “ the most comprehensive interpretation of the inscripturated Word of God, the Bible” (p. 47). The so-called cove­ nant relation between God and man forms an important part of this con­ cept. Faith and grace are prominent emphases. These great doctrines and the experience which they should produce in the believer are projected forcibly and effectively into life and thought. The Kingship of Christ is pitted against the Realm of Satan. Non-Christian philosophies must be shown up for their deficiencies. Thus will redeemed man he able to “ exe­ cute the creative mandate of God” (p. 35). 245 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $4.50. The Child in The Christian Home By Margaret Bailey Jacobsen One of the newest and very finest publications which discusses the care and direction of the child in the Chris­ tian home has been written by Mrs. Margaret Bailey Jacobsen. The author, a sweet Christian mother and educator (formerly a professor of psychology

Christian Marriage Today By Mario Colacci

There are a number of recent books on marriage, but none that so clearly presents both Catholic and Protestant views as this volume. The author rose to a high position in the Church of Rome and took degrees from two Cath­ olic institutions in Italy. He then be­ came converted to Protestantism and is now associate professor of Greek and Hebrew at Augsburg College and Theological Seminary in Minneapolis. A chapter on mixed marriages and one on the basic theological differences between the two concepts follow the basic expositions. The latter is in two- column form which is easy to follow. A good index helps considerably in locating specific information. In the discussion of birth control the author fails to take into consideration the latest developments, but the material was probably committed to type before their significance was realized. The book could well be put into every church library. 182 pages; cloth; Augsburg Publishing House, Minne­ apolis; $3.50. The Great Words of the Gospel By Gerald B. Stanton Great truths can be set forth in very simple language, as is evidenced by this explanatory summary of sixteen crucial terms in the area of salvation. Some of these are theological words, some are Biblical, but all should be known and understood by every Chris­ tian. Among them are: regeneration, redemption, reconcilliation, propitia­ tion, justification, sanctification, faith, grace, depravity, security, and separa­ tion. Dr. Stanton has taught these great truths to his classes in doctrine at BIOLA College and in systematic theology at T a l b o t Theological Seminary. They will help the believer to understand his rich heritage in Christ and to make it known more plainly to others. 44 pages; paper; the author, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, Calif; 85c. The Calvinisfic Concept of Culture By H enry R. Van Til Regardless of whether one finds one­ self in any degree of conformity to the distinctives of Calvinism as a system of theology, philosophy, or life, one must admit that it has high ideals in the realm of culture and works hard at inculcating these prin­ ciples. Promotion of the Christian day

"Humberd's Bible Charts" Thirty - three charts with a page of explanation. Size 5 % x 14% inches. Price $1.25 Get 40 more of Humberd's books for $11.50 Hum herd Press, Box K, Flora, Ind.

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PUBLISHER Your book can be published, promoted, distributed by successful, reliable com­ pany noted for prompt, personol serv- ice. All subjects. Free Editoriol Report. Inquiries also invited from businesses, organiza­ tions, churches, etc. Send for Free Booklet. Vantage Press, Dept. KB, 6253 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood 28, California. 8


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at Biola College), deals with sub­ jects of great im­ port to parents and to those who work with chil­ dren. The book is basically a publi­ cation o n child psychology. Par­ ents and Sunday

school workers will also find it prac­ tical for their own spiritual develop­ ment. Mrs. Jacobsen begins her material in dealing with the three year old. At the close of each discussion she offers practical suggestions to the Sunday school teacher who works with the various age children. Dr. Wallace Emerson, professor of psychology at Biola College has wnt-



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