But alas, by the time the course and destination became apparent, it was too late to do anything about it and church members were forced to one of two alternatives— either to submit to the trends of the times and to remain more or less loyal to their pastors, or to pull up stakes and to leave the churches that very possibly they themselves had helped financially to build and in which they had la bored for many years, and to seek fellowship in some unin viting environment, but in a place where at least they could hear the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ proclaimed. Today many Bible-believing church lay leaders, who were brought up in churches where modernism has been exposed and repudiated, would be utterly shocked if they were told they were being taught a modern version of the old modernism of a generation ago. But, this is actually the case in all too many places. Even as modernism crept in almost unawares fifty years ago, so history is beginning to repeat itself in our day and generation. At that time the old terminology was still used. Later new shades of meaning were attached. There was a great deal of high- sounding talk given out from the pulpits about God's love for everybody and that therefore Christians should love everybody and never say anything of a derogatory nature about anyone, especially the man behind the pulpit. And as a result of all this, the modernist minister was able to say almost anything whether it was true to the Word of God or not, and no one dared question him. So, today, we are having a repetition of exactly the same condition that prevailed a generation ago. We are hearing more and more about the "neo-orthodoxy" or the "new-evangelicalism." And in the field of science such phrases as "progressive evolution," "threshold evolution" and others of a similar nature are becoming more and more widely used in theological circles. This "new" brand of modernism— for that is exactly what it is— gained great momentum with the issuance of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. When stripped of all the beautiful verbiage which surrounds these "new" ideas, they boil down at the present time to a toning down of the author ity of the Word of God, the completed work of Christ on Calvary's cross, the utter sinfulness of the heart of man, and the attendant necessity for the new birth to take place before a man can be saved. There is a belittling of the "faith of our fathers, " and an effort on the part of modern ist preachers to persuade their hearers that at last the Word of God and the will of God have been revealed to them so that they have something brand-new to present to the expectant world. Now the old cry is going up, if any criti cism is offered— "Unloving!," "Intolerant!" and the like. One's heart is grieved and saddened almost beyond words to realize, (1) that there are men who are willing to take the great truths of the Word of God as they have been pre sented to the world during the past nineteen hundred years and change, modify, or adapt these truths to the whims and fancies of the free thinkers both in theological and scien tific fields, and (2) there are people in the pews who would never think of classifying themselves or allowing themselves to be classified as modernists but who are suc cumbing to this latest and most insidious form of modernism. From all indications, the old controversy is emerging, once again, albeit under a new guise. Evidently the old battle must continue to be fought between belief and un belief, with merely a change of terminology, of names, and of faces among the principal contestants. If there ever was a day when a call to prayer and extremely clear thinking were needed on the part of true Christians everywhere— now is that time !
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