Residential Assisted Living Academy
L et’s face it, as a real estate investor, getting twice the fair market rent while helping others can be financially rewarding. But making $10,000 net or more per month from a single family home, can be life changing. At the Resi- dential Assisted Living Academy, you learn how to do both, all while helping other people. Doing Good and Doing Well. Whether you are a real estate investor, private lender or you just want to take your experi- ence and skill set to the next level, senior housing is an opportunity you need to be looking into. Gene Guarino, the Founder of the RAL Academy, travels across the US and internationally, teaching others about this incredible opportunity. The need for senior housing and high quality care is undeniable. There are 77,000,000 Baby Boom- ers in the U.S. alone. That means an average of 10,000 people a day will turn 65 years old. Four thou- sand people a day will turn 85 years old. That trend will continue for
the next 18 years and it is unstop- pable. Many of those seniors will need help with their activities of daily living as their housing needs change dramatically. As a real estate entrepreneur, knowing those facts and being prepared to take advantage of them may be your opportunity of a lifetime. Smaller homes, smaller fami- lies, increased need for care and a steady increase in longevity are all factors in this opportunity. The 85+ age group is the fastest growing demographic in the world today. The opportunity of a lifetime is upon us now and many smart real estate investors and business owners are learning the best ways to take ad- vantage of it now. The RAL Academy has trained thousands of people across the US how they can create, own and oper- ate their own RAL homes. In addi- tion many investors have learned how to invest in this niche in a “hands off” investment that provides a tremendous return. Still others
have learned how to start their own home with the primary purpose of taking care of a loved one. The cost of this level of care and housing is currently averaging $4,000 per person in the US. Most who are not on a government subsi- dies are spending $4,000-$8,000 per month to care for a family member in assisted living today. One way to reduce or eliminate that cost is to own your own RAL home. That mod- el allows you to make tremendous cash flow today and have a place for yourself or a loved one to move into and live for free, in the future. That solution avoids the problem of leaving a serious financial burden to the remaining family members and provides the best of both worlds: income now and protection later! If you would like to learn more about the opportunities in Senior Housing and Residential Assisted Living, go to www.RAL101.com for a free seven-part introductory training from the RAL Academy. Or call them directly at 480-704-3065. •
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