University of Auckland, Associate Director - Capital Works

Environmental Sustainability

Future Focused

Taumata Teitei includes a commitment to significant pedagogical changes, cultural equity and improved environmental performance. Te Rautaki Tūāpapa will be a key enabler of the strategic ambitions.

The University of Auckland Waipapa Taumata Rau is committed to pursuing sustainability via research, teaching and learning, operating practices, partnerships and capacity building.

In response to ever-increasing demand from domestic and international students the University now provides accommodation for more than 4,500 undergraduate and postgraduate students in catered and self- catered residential communities. The accommodation portfolio will increase as current construction projects complete. Construction has also commenced on a new recreation and wellness centre, one of a number of initiatives designed to continue to support student and staff wellbeing. The ten-year period to 2020 saw a capital investment in excess of $1.5 billion into the development, maintenance, and remediation of our estate. Over the next decade we plan to spend in excess of $2b. In implementing our estate strategy, Te Rautaki Tūāpapa, we will develop new campus masterplans, new operational plans, a sustainable estate and a net-zero carbon plan and the strategy will be integral to the University’s Long-Term Financial Plan.

Taumata Teitei includes a commitment to significant pedagogical changes, cultural equity and improved environmental performance. Te Rautaki Tūāpapa will be a key enabler of the strategic ambitions. The University’s capital works programme is one of the country’s largest construction programmes and is well supported by philanthropic partners and careful financial management. It covers investment both in refurbishment and in significant new buildings. Major new developments have greatly enhanced the campus environment. The state-of-the-art Science Centre, incorporates leading-edge design in teaching, learning and laboratory facilities and was opened by the Prime Minister in 2018. The Grafton Campus redevelopment was part of a NZ$240 million masterplan project, completed over six years. The Faculty of Engineering moved into their brand- new, purpose-built engineering building in late 2019. The building provides students with tailor-made spaces to support learning, accommodate larger student cohorts, and encourage multi- disciplinary collaboration. The former Human Sciences Building (B201) was transformed to accommodate the Faculty of Education and Social Work. B201 project is a world-leading adaptive reuse project which achieved a 6 Green Star Design Review award with the highest score to date in New Zealand. The building is transformational in our approach to the Sustainable Estate and a step towards our Net Zero Carbon ambitions for the University. B201 was opened by the Prime Minister in Spetember 2023

A sustainable future requires us to take action now and to be deliberate about the environmental, social, and financial choices we make to reduce our impact on the climate and improve equity and well-being for all. Taumata Teitei Vision 2030 signals a strong commitment to sustainability, the preservation and enhancement of our natural world, as well as an emphasis on the positive impact that the University of Auckland Waipapa Taumata Rau must have on the global, social, and economic systems critical to collective problem solving and equitable outcomes across the world. At the forefront we must demonstrate our belief in thriving ecosystems, fair and inclusive societies, innovation-led economies, and to meet our responsibilities to Māori, Pacific, and students of all socio- economic backgrounds. The University Executive Committee (UEC) endorsed the development of a Sustainability Strategy 2022-2030, and a Sustainability Strategy Programme was established in quarter three 2021, co-chaired by Dean of Science, PVC Māori and PVC Pacific. The vision of the programme was to develop an ambitious and broad Sustainability Strategy that gives effect to the commitment expressed in Taumata Teitei. The Sustainability Strategy will integrate sustainability into teaching, research, operations, and engagement, and translate the University’s vision into action by identifying targets and priority actions. Te Rautaki Aronga Toitū | Sustainability Strategy 2022-2030 was published in quarter four 2022.

Find out more

Taumata Teitei - University of Auckland’s vision 2030 and strategic plan 2025 Te Rautaki Tūāpapa - University of Auckland Estate Strategy 2021 - 2030 Te Taumata Tukuwaro-kore | Net Zero Carbon Strategy Te Rautaki Aronga Toitū | Sustainability Strategy

Find out more

Sustainability at the University of Auckland Sustainability Policy Te Rautaki Aronga Toitū | Sustainability Strategy 2022-2023 Te Taumata Tukuwaro-kore | Net Zero Carbon Strategy

Net-Zero Carbon Estate Environmental sustainability will be placed at the heart of everything we do. In our new developments and by improving the performance of the existing estate we will aim to achieve a bold set of new sustainability-focused objectives:

• We will aim to achieve a net-zero carbon estate by 2030. We will enhance and refine systems that provide a holistic view of estate emissions to support decarbonisation of the estate. • We will be a champion for building standards, carbon reduction, and environmental sustainability within the University, the sector, and Aotearoa. • We will adopt the Sustainable Development Goals framework to guide and inform the path of all estate activities. • The estate will be an enabler to net-zero carbon, biodiversity, and environmental sustainability initiatives across the University. • The estate will play a key role in contributing to the University’s carbon performance, through evaluating appropriate mechanisms, including renewable electricity generation, natural carbon sinks, and afforestation, to achieve our goals. • Te Taumata Tuku-waro kore | Net zero carbon strategy was published in quarter four 2022.

Associate Director Capital Works


Associate Director Capital Works


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