

New cenotaph addition honours Afghan War veterans

De Clarence Creek, Ont., est décédé le mercredi 1 er juillet 2015, à l’âge de 70 ans. Il était l’époux de Liette Lacoursière, le fils de feu Rhéal Amyot et de feu Léona Leduc. Il laisse également ses frères et soeurs : Rhéo (Denise), Gilles, Robert, Gisèle (feu Joseph Piché), Richard (Lucie), Raymond et Estelle ainsi que plusieurs beaux-frères, belles-soeurs, neveux, nièces et ami(e)s. Il fut prédécédé par sa soeur Rachel et ses frères: Ronald, Roger, Ti-Robert et Rollin. Des dons à la Fondation des maladies du coeur 36, 2 e rue est, Cornwall, ON K6H 1Y3 téléphone 613-938-8933, peuvent être faits. Les funérailles seront célébrées le mercredi 8 juillet 2015 à 11h, à l’église Ste-Félicité, Ch. Landry, Clarence Creek, Ont. La famille recevra les condoléances à l’église avant le service à compter de 10h. Pour de plus amples renseignements communiquer avec la : Avis de décès M. Réjean F. Amyot NÉCROLOGIE OBITUARY


In Rockland, a small group of veterans, Legion officials, and representatives of the City of Clarence-Rockland gathered at the Cenotaph on Canada Day. Despite the pouring rain drenching the countryside that morning, the dozen or so people were there to remember themen and women from the Clarence-Rockland area who had served Canada since the First World War.They were also gathered to commemo- rate an addition to the Cenotaph to honour the veterans, living and dead, fromClarence- Rockland and other parts of Canada who served as part of the Allied Forces during the Afghan War. «They are our heroes,» said Bob Cléroux, Rockland Legion president, during the dedi- cation ceremony. «They made a difference in the world.» For more than a decade since 2001, following the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York City, destroyed by means of hijacked passenger jetliners used as aerial rams, the Canadian Armed Forces were part of the U.S.-led Alliance, fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, the instigator of the Twin Towers plot fostered by terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.

MAISON FUNÉRAIRE THÉO BRUNET & FILS 2419 rue Laurier, Rockland, Ont. 613-446-4691 Condoléances et Dons au

Despite the rain pouring down flagbearer, David Dudley, once a private with the Royal Air Force, holds the Maple Leaf steady as he and fellow colour guardsman, Guy Ouellet, a former petty officer aboard the HMS Algonquin, man their station during the rededication of the Rockland Cenotaphwith its new addition, honouring Canadian veterans and the deceased of the Afghan War.

“They risked their lives to protect our own,” stated Mayor Guy Desjardins, “and to protect our values.” The Allies overthrew the Taliban go- vernment, a fundamentalist tyranny, and helped establish a new elected government in Afghanistan, helping provide greater civil liberties to residents of the country, inclu- ding making sure that both boys and girls had a chance to attend school. Under the Taliban theocratic tyranny, girls and women were denied many of the basic rights and privileges that boys and men enjoyed. For 12 years, Canadian soldiers served in the field in Kandahar province, fighting Taliban insurgents, maintaining supply lines despite having to deal with IEDs (improvised explosive devices), training Afghan security forces, and building schools, hospitals and other necessary infrastructure in both Kan- dahar City and the outlying villages. At the end of its mandated mission schedule, the Canadian forces returned home. Rockland Legion president Cléroux noted

that Canada’s active involvement in wars and peacekeeping missions abroad dates back to July 1, 1916, during the Great War, later renamed World War One, when the Royal Newfoundland Regiment was crossing No Man’s Land in France during the four months-long Battle of the Somme. Since then, Canadians have fought and served on land, sea and in the air during World War Two and the Korean War, and then become the backbone of the U.N. Peacekeepers Force in Cyprus and many other countries, before returning to a more activemilitary role as part of Alliance Forces in the Gulf War against SaddamHussein, the UN-NATO alliance during theThird Balkan War to protect ethnic groups from factions bent on genocide and stop the war itself, and later the Afghan War against the Taliban. The new granite addition to the Cenotaph cost $2100, plus HST, to create and install with the Rockland Legion and the City of Clarence-Rockland sharing the total project expense.


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The Air Cadet Band found shelter within the city hall porch for their performance during the Afghan War dedication ceremony at the Cenotaph.

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