Valoris replaces Integra
large part due to being devalued by society.
Valorisation goes hand in hand with
integration and these two concepts have
beenat theheart of theorganizations’ values
For the second time inabout ayear, the
and methods for many years,” the agency
children’s and adult services agency in
Prescott-Russell has a new name.
Valoris for Children and Adults of Prescott-
“I apologize if this turn of events has
Russell isamulti-serviceagency for children,
led to some confusion,” said Raymond
adolescents, adults and their families living
Lemay, executive director of the Valoris
throughout theUnitedCounties of Prescott-
Russell.Valorishelpsover 2,500 individuals
organization, which was forced to drop
and families every year. The organization
“Integra” because the name was already
offers a single access point to a wide variety
being used by another organization.
of services and programs, including
“It is important to remember that the
psychosocial interventions, parent groups
day-to-dayworkwith vulnerable persons
and mutual support groups, alternative
in Prescott-Russell remains our main
Submitted photo
concern, and that our services have in no
JeanDugas, president of theboardofdirectors, andexecutivedirectorRaymondLemay,
activities, child protection services. The
way changed,” stressed Lemay. “We
announce that “Valoris” has replaced “Integra” as the name of the Prescott-Russell
service centres are located in Plantagenet,
children’s and adult services agency.
Clarence-Rockland, Hawkesbury and
and will continue our efforts to ease the
Casselman. Valoris also offers its clients
support services 24 hours a day, seven days
Ayear ago, the Services pour enfants et
a week.
adultes de Prescott-Russell organization
unveiled its Integrapour enfants et adultes de
name. The problem was
C’EST UN RETOUR DANS LE PASSÉ, ENRICHISSANT À VIVRE EN FAMILLE : EXPOSITION INTÉRIEURE Simulation de différents métiers d’antan tels tricoteuse, piqueuse, brodeuse, fournitures de maison, courtes-pointes, vaisselles, moulin à coudre, caméras, etc. IT’S A RETURN TO THE PAST TO BE ENJOYED BY THE ENTIRE FAMILY : INTERIOR EXHIBITS Simulation of different trades and crafts : knitting, needle point, embroidery, household furniture, quilting, glassware, sewing machine, cameras, etc. PROGRAMME / PROGRAM Journée Antique / Antique Day Dimanche 12 juin / Sunday, June 12 2011
that, unbeknownst to theagency, thename
had already been taken by another
organization. A title search did not detect
the existence of an Integra children’s
services agency. Negotiations to share the
Organizations in Maxville are sharing
title failed.
$22,000 in grants awarded by the Ontario
“Ourmissionhasnot changed, ourgoal
remains to be of service to vulnerable
Anewly installedchairlift intheMetcalfe
persons in Prescott-Russell by supporting
Centre was unveiled last Saturday.
them in their families and by facilitating
Improved accessibility is the result of a
their integration in the community,” said
$13,000 grant awarded to the
Jean Dugas, President of the Board of
Agricultural Society . Currently, the Kenyon
Agricultural Society, the Glengarry Highland
“As for the name chosen, just as the
Games,theGlengarryAgriculturalHallofFame ,
name Integra represented values of social
and other community organizationswithin
integration, the name Valoris brings to
the region all use the building extensively.
mind social role valorization. These two
The second contribution is a $9,000 grant
concepts are linked, as the clients of the
for the
Maxville & District Chamber of
organization are at risk of exclusion in
Commerce and the Maxville Music Festival .
11:45 Ouverture / opening Quigley Pipe Band 12:00 Concasseur de roches Stone crusher (1898) 12:30 Traite de la vache Cow milking
13:15 Grande fourche / Hay hook 13:30 Presse à foin / Bale press 14:00 Moulin à battre / Thrashing mill (Dion 1948) 14:45 Engins et autos / Engines and cars 15:15 Parade d’autos antiques suivie
12:45 Scie godendart / drag saw 13:00 Divertissement musical avec Roger Hamelin et les MacLeod Fiddlers Musique, danse et
de la parade des tracteurs Antique car parade followed by the tractor parade
rafraîchissements sous la tente. Musical entertainment with Roger Hamelin and the MacLeod Fiddlers Music, dancing and refreshments under the tent.
17:00 Souper chaud –
billets disponibles sur site Hot supper – tickets available on site
$ 8 .00 par personne / per person Enfants : gratuit si accompagnés d’un adulte Children : free if accompanied by an adult. Pendant la journée, il y aura démonstration du savon de pays, de voitures anciennes, de machineries agricoles fonctionnelles, d’engins ainsi que d’un forgeron (maréchal ferrant). During the day, there will be a demontration of homemade soap and a blacksmith as well as antique cars, agriculture in motion and engines. Tous les exposants sont bienvenus. / All exhibitors are welcome. VENEZ EN GRAND NOMBRE, NOUS SAURONS VOUS CAPTIVER. COME EVERYONE, LET US CAPTIVATE YOU. Activités pour les enfants / Games for the kids Navette disponible / Shuttle on site Site web/Internet : Bienvenue – Welcome Centre d’action 7888, rue Lavigne, Sainte-Anne-de-Prescott, Ontario Dimanche / Sunday • 12 juin / June 12th, 2010 Cantine à l’intérieur/ Indoor canteen Stationnement pour motorisés / Parking for motor homes INFO : Richard Sauvé 613 674-5774 Luc Roy 613 525-4246 17:30 Tirage 50/50 Draw 13:00 Chargeur à foin / Hay loader
19 h à 21 h / 7 p. m. to 9 p. m.
CLARENCE CREEK 415, rue Lemay Street Mardi 31 mai 2011 Tuesday, May 31, 2011
PLANTAGENET 173, ancienne Route 17 173 Old Hwy 17 Jeudi 2 juin 2011 Thursday, June 2, 2011
HAWKESBURY 411, rue Stanley Street Mercredi 8 juin 2011 Wednesday, June 8, 2011
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