Thursday Night Live is a monthly, high energy event for the Georgia entertainment industry held at Studio 135 in Inman Park. We celebrate the art and artists of storytelling with a televised roundtable discussion. It’s a great place to network, and be entertained with live musical performances and an aerial DJ performance by Mami Chula. Visit to find out next month’s date.
Georgia Hollywood Review Director’s Panel, from left to right: Anthony Page, Alahna Lark, Bobby Huntley, Host Angelo Diaz, Frances Chang & Chris LeDoux
Thursday Night Live host Angelo Diaz, star of TV One’s ATL Homicide
Aerial DJ Mami Chula
Allison Barkus and Zee Zammit with Desert Door spirits (Texas Sotol)
Angelo Diaz, Lu (aka 1 Glance), Miles Neiman, Amir and Franck Mille
Tax Credit advisor, Ryan Ellison and Nina Morm
Publisher-Producer Miles Neiman
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