8 documentary The Porter: The Untold Story at Everest 10 l.a weekly film festival Dave Brown 12 l.a. by way of mexico Lucia Argut 14 location Town at Trillith 15 thursday night live 16 education GSU’s Creative Media Industries Institute
18 lgbtqia+ Simha Haddad 20 georgia based actor Margot Bingham 22 georgia talent Reece Odum 24 music in film The Atlanta Opera 26 women in film Aubri Ebony 28 animation
Netflix Animation Studios 30 l.a. playwright Jorge Sanchez Jr. 32 l.a. culture Italian American Museum of Los Angeles 34 a-listers in atlanta Brown Sugar Burbon by Jamie Foxx 36 new releases Nicolas Cage in PIG 38 legal in film Student-Athletes on Screen in Hollywood
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