Fladgate LLP brochure 2024/25



8.15am: I normally arrive at the office at around 8.15. Having cycled into work, I shower and get ready for the day.

8:30am: I like to clear out my inbox and plan my to-do list for the day. The office tends to be quiet before 9.30, so this is also a good time to finish any outstanding tasks before more work comes in later!

9:00am: I am working as part of a large team on one of the department’s group action claims. We are currently working towards a witness statement deadline so it’s all hands to the pump! I spend the morning attending a virtual interview with the witness and one of the matter partners. Following the interview I type up my attendance note and start drafting the witness statement for review by the partner. 10:45am: It is team day for the Dispute Resolution department which usually means there are snacks laid on in our department’s kitchen. I grab a quick coffee and a danish and end up speaking with one of the partners about a new matter that has come in from a repeat client. We have been instructed by a software development company to defend a breach of contract claim brought by one of its clients. I agree to help out responding to the letter before action.

11.00am: I continue working on the witness statement and send my draft to the partner for review.

1:00pm: This week there is a training session put on by one of the local barrister’s chambers. I have lunch on the client floor with the Dispute Resolution team while learning about spotting fake evidence. As well as regular training, the firm hosts lunchtime yoga and weekly PT sessions in nearby Lincoln’s Inn Fields.

2:00pm: I amend the witness statement according to the partner’s comments and send the draft to our counsel team and the witness for review.

2:30pm: I review the letter before action relating to the breach of contract claim, along with further documents provided by the client. We have a call with the client booked in for tomorrow morning so I note down my comments and questions to act as a draft agenda for the call. I spend some time researching exclusion clauses to determine whether we can rely on such a clause to attack the claim.

5:00pm: I send my comments on the letter before action and a draft agenda to the partner ahead of the call with the client tomorrow morning.

5:30pm: I review comments from counsel and the witness on the draft witness statement. There are a number of further points to address and I arrange a follow up interview with the witness for tomorrow afternoon.

6:30pm: I finish up and head for a drink with one of my old supervisors. Holborn and Covent Garden has some good pubs on offer for a post-work half!


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