Fladgate LLP brochure 2024/25

INCLUSION & DIVERSITY We are proud of the progress we have made, but there is always more that can be done. We will continue to strive for a diverse workforce and an inclusive culture, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. We will hold ourselves to account by monitoring and publishing data that shows our progress.

Our focus:

Attracting a diverse workforce . This means adopting a truly personal approach when connecting with those interested in joining our team and ensuring fairness in our processes. Developing a diverse leadership. We are working hard to improve the gender balance of our partner team aiming towards 35% women in partnership by 2027 (currently 31%)

Engaging with everyone to ensure they are heard, supported and understood. Encourage everyone to develop their own voice in shaping our culture, their future and our service to clients.

Helping all our people to achieve their full potential. We provide training, coaching, internal mentors and buddies, whatever works for each individual and their own personal development path.

Our strategy is led by the Director of People and Culture on behalf of the Executive Board, who works closely with our Partner Lead for I&D and Senior Culture and Inclusion Manager. We also have employee and partner led networks across the firm who support and inform our inclusive culture at Fladgate. We currently measure our success and progress in six key areas:

Leadership: to increase diversity in our leadership and ensure our leaders are inclusive 1. 2. Recruitment and retention: to increase diversity across the firm Experience and progression: to ensure a fair experience across all key people processes 3. 4. Culture: to embed our inclusive culture and drive positive change 5. Wellbeing: to have happy and motivated people in a new world 6. Networks: to be collaborative and work together to achieve our strategy

“As the I&D Partner Lead of the Firm, I am acutely aware that our vision and values are built around the word ‘personal’. We are a people business dependent on brilliant client relationships. Inclusion and diversity objectives are therefore not ‘soft’ business aspirations, they are fundamental to our success”

Helen Curtis-Goulding I&D Partner Lead


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