TransformUS Framework

• When Majority groups or personnel feel threatened, they typically defend, deny, or distance themselves from DEI. • When Majority groups feel threatened by DEI, they may try to defend the status quo and try to attribute diversity gaps within their organization to “non-bias” causes. • A form of resistance is often denying or downplaying inequality or bias within an organization. Deniers often perceive a status and merit threat with the introduction of DEI policies and structural changes. • In some cases, privileged groups are willing to acknowledge the existence of discrimination and inequality but choose not to engage in DEI initiates as they believe that they themselves are not biased and have not benefited from discrimination. Majority groups who feel this way often experience merit and moral threats. OVERCOME THREATS TO GROWTH MINDSET Presenting the benefits of DEI and Growth Mindset, backed by positive business outcomes, can help overcome these threats and demonstrate the advantages of an inclusive and growth-oriented culture. Showcasing successful industry leaders who have transitioned to embrace DEI and Growth Mindset, along with the positive results they achieved, can serve as compelling examples for the organization. Leadership that exhibit fixed mindset behaviors can be open to DEI and Growth Mindset if industry leaders that they respect are implementing initiatives and are experiencing positive outcomes. Additionally, providing resources such as training programs, workshops, and educational materials can support employees in understanding and embracing DEI and Growth Mindset principles. By addressing and alleviating these threats, organizations can foster a more inclusive and innovative work environment, where employees feel valued and motivated to contribute their best.

How to Effectively Get Leadership Buy-In GET TO KNOW THE LEADERSHIP

Getting to know leadership is a crucial aspect of effective communication and collaboration within an organization. Understanding the preferences, communication styles, and interests of leaders can help tailor the approach and better engage them in discussions and decision-making processes. Here are some ways to achieve this: Understand the context. Before presenting sensitive information, understand the information and the specific concerns or challenges faced by leadership, such as: • Limited time and resources • Budgetary restraints • Leadership exhibiting fixed mindset behaviors • Come prepared with solutions and well-thought-out responses to questions and concerns from leadership. • Use data and evidence. Support the presentation with data and evidence to support claims. Use charts, graphs, and statistics to provide a clear and objective picture of the situation. Data-driven insights can lend credibility to the information being presented. Utilize the resources provided in this eBook to assist. By aligning communication style with leadership preferences and priorities, leadership can be effectively engaged which will contribute to the success of the initiatives presented and to the success of the organization as a whole.


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