TransformUS Framework


OVERVIEW If the organization has leadership buy-in for a growth mindset and DEI, but does not know where to start, assess the current state of DEI and Growth Mindset initiatives. Implement measurable metrics to track progress and identify areas for improvement. Hold stakeholders accountable for driving DEI and Growth Mindset efforts. Provide resources and avenues for implementing these principles throughout the organization. By taking these steps, the company can foster an inclusive and growth-oriented culture that values diversity and continuous learning.


• Start With Education and Internal Assessment • Develop and Implement a Growth Mindset, DEI Action Plan • Evaluate Initiatives

Start With Education and Internal Assessment EDUCATE LEADERSHIP AND STAFF Implementing DEI and growth mindset initiatives require a thoughtful and strategic approach. If the organization has leadership buy-in but does not know where to start, here are some steps to get the ball rolling: • Develop a clear understanding of what DEI and growth mindset means and why it matters. Review the definitions and benefits listed at the beginning of this ebook. Educate key stakeholders in the company about the importance of growth mindset and DEI and the potential benefits of implementing these initiatives.


Utilize this pool of DEI resources. •

Discuss the differences between a fixed mindset and growth mindset, the consequences of having a fixed mindset and the benefits of having a growth mindset. Make a habit of encouraging employees and leaders during recurring standing meetings to share examples of critical thinking, embraced innovation and change, and challenges that resulted in opportunity. Utilize pages 7 and 9 of this document to discuss growth and fixed mindset CONDUCT AN INTERNAL ASSESSMENT ON DEI Conduct an assessment of the current state of diversity and inclusion in the company. This could include collecting data on employee demographics, reviewing company policies and practices, and conducting surveys or focus groups to gather employee feedback. • Identify areas for improvement and set goals. Based on the assessment results, determine which areas of the company need the most attention and set specific, measurable goals for improvement. 1284 Customers

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