TransformUS Framework


Behaviors of a fixed mindset

Consequences of behaviors

by management • Micromanagement

by management • Employees who are insecure, unable to work independently • Employees who are not motivated to improve • Loss of employee morale, litigation for cases such as harassment, discrimination • Missed opportunity to incorporate dynamic viewpoints in company • Fall behind competitors who are embracing growth and new technologies by Employees • Set in ways, inability to improve skills • Opposition to management improvements, new technologies, and innovative ideas • Does the bare minimum at work, poor performance • Toxic Workplace Behaviors, low morale, hindered team and/or workplace productivity

• Discouraging employee growth

• HR is an unnecessary overhead cost

• Diversity, Inclusion, Equity is not important

• Resistant to change, growth, and new technologies

by Employees • No can-do attitude

• Resistant to change

• Avoid learning new skills

• Threatened by success of colleagues

This document will delve into techniques and approaches aimed at shifting perspectives from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset specifically within the realm of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Explore practical steps and strategies that individuals, teams, and organizations can adopt to embrace change, foster continuous learning, encourage innovation, and enhance collaboration in the context of promoting DEI. By recognizing the limitations of a fixed mindset and actively cultivating a growth mindset, change agents can create a more inclusive and dynamic environment that supports the advacement of DEI goals.


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