2018 Christmas Catalog

The Lord gives freedom to the prisoners. ~ Psalm 146:7

Where Needed Most The gifts in this catalog are just a few of hundreds of Word of Life projects that are currently underway in over 70 nations around the world! Your “where needed most” gift will help us direct funds where and when it is needed most. Thank you

from the executive director ’ s desk don lough , jr .

Send a prisoner’s child to CAMP

Your 2018 Christmas Catalog is here … and I am excited to tell you about this year’s amazing opportunities to share the JOY that is only found through the life-changing message of the Gospel. Give a gift that brings true JOY

Over 1,500 innocent children in Bolivia are forced to live IN PRISON with their incarcerated parent because they have nowhere else to go. Word of Life Bolivia holds a week of summer camp for these children so they can just have FUN — all while hearing the Good News of Jesus Christ and how much God loves them. Many of these children have given their lives to Jesus at these summer camps.

After all, who needs another tie or trinket when you could give a child who actually has to live in prison with their parent the JOY OF CAMP for a week? Or why not GIVE A GOAT in the name of a loved one and help a national missionary fund their ministry? Or sponsor an international student to go to Word of Life Bible Institute so they can learn how to reach their nation for Jesus? Each and every gift here will bring real JOY TO THE WORLD and honor the birth of our Savior this Christmas. And what a great way to get your friends and family involved in the JOY by giving something in their name! Thank you for all the ways you join with Word of Life to share Jesus and to help people grow in their faith — we wish you a blessed Christmas.


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