V² Playbook

Account Status Types

In Progress An account you are currently working on. All work is automatically saved as you go.

Quoted A quote has been provided to you. You may bind the policy at any time. For Real Estate and Individual Appraisers account, you may also issue the policy at this time. Referred to Underwriter The account requires final review by an underwriter before a quote is released. All accounts referred to an underwriter are addressed within 24 hours. Quote Pending The account has been reviewed by an underwriter but additional information is required before we can provide a quote. Your underwriter will let you know what else is needed. Bound/Issue Waiting Signature The account is bound. To finalize policy issuance, use the Upload a Document feature to submit a copy of the client-signed application.

Policy Issued The account has been issued. No further action is necessary. Declined The account has been declined based on underwriting criteria

Quote Expired The quote we provided has expired and is no longer viable. You may enter the account into V 2 again to get a new quote.

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