GNRC Member Resource Guide

The Greater Nashville Regional Council has been empowered by the TN General Assembly over the years to serve as the primary regional planning agency responsible for developing or coordinating regional plans for growth and infrastructure across Middle Tennessee, and plays an increasing role in assisting city and county governments in their local planning efforts. COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL PLANNING

Infrastructure, Land Use, Development, Historic Preservation and Special Projects The Community and Regional Planning team at GNRC plays a vital role in shaping the future of Middle Tennessee. Its programs and services operate on both a multi-county, regional scale as well as at the neighborhood level. The team plays a formal role in connecting conversations about economic development and infrastructure planning.

Jessica Hill Director

Local Planning Assistance GNRC provides a range of local planning services and technical assistance to its member communities on a fee for service basis. This support includes everything from full staffing services for local planning commissions to project-based consulting. Specific activities include review and maintenance of land use policies, zoning ordinances, building codes, and land development regulations; land development and plat review; community visioning and comprehensive planning; special census verifications; and feasibility studies.

Transportation Planning GNRC serves as the region’s federally-recognized transportation planning agency (known as a Metropolitan Planning Organization) for Nashville and surrounding counties in Middle Tennessee. Under the purview of its Transportation Policy Board, GNRC staff facilitate the process to plan, prioritize, and select roadway and transit projects for federal funds appropriated through the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration. GNRC coordinates transportation planning activities with the TN Department of Transportation and local governments and transit agencies across the area, ensuring the region is in compliance with federal planning requirements and national ambient air quality standards.

Sean Pflazer Transportation Planning Manager 615.862.8844

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