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KNEE INJURIES: According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the knee is the most commonly injured joint. Orthopedic surgeons see more than 5.5 million people annually for knee injuries, which can include runner’s knee (pain or tendernessclose to thekneecapat thefrontsideof theknee), tendonitisand iliotibial bandsyndrome(painontheoutersideoftheknee). Severeknee injuriesoften include bone bruises or damage to the cartilage or ligaments. SHINSPLINTS: Shinsplintsoccurwhenthere isapainalongthe largebone inthefront of the lower leg, known as the tibia or shin bone. Shin splints most commonly occur in runners, especially those who are just starting a running program. This is usually due to poor alignment of the body, or weakness in the leg muscles. TheteamatAscentPhysicalTherapycantreatmanyorthopedicandrepetitivemotion injuries without the need for invasive surgeries or medications. In fact, most doctors havetheirpatientstryphysicaltherapyfirstbeforerecommendinganyotherprocedures. The licensedphysical therapistsandphysical therapistassistantsatAscentPhysical Therapy can customize a program that addresses the weakness of your particular musculoskeletal system, allowing you to recover quickly and remain active. Even if you have an old injury, it is important to have it evaluated by our physical therapists to prevent long-term damage like arthritis. If you have sports or orthopedic injuries like tendonitis,arthritis,astressfractureor lowbackpain,our therapistscandesigna treatmentplantopromote improvedfunction,wellnessandminimizetheriskofre-injury.
Exercise isan importantpartofahealthy lifestyle. Formanypeople,playingsports is a funway toburnextracalories,socialize,andgetfit. Unfortunately, thisalsomeans the occasional sports injury or a flare up of an old injury or condition. Youdon’thavetobeaprofessionalorevenanamateurathletetosufferasports injury. In fact, many times, those most susceptible to sports injuries are people who have just started exercising or participate on a recreational level. Sports injuries in thisarticlewillbedefinedas injuries to themusculoskeletalsystem, including muscles, bones and tissues such as cartilage. The most common sports injuries include: SPRAINS: A sprain occurs when the connective tissue that joins the end of the bone with another is stretched or torn. Those connective tissues are known as ligaments. Sprains are caused by trauma such as a fall or blow to the body that knocks a joint out of position. Ankles, knees and wrists are most vulnerable to sprains. However, back, neck and shoulder sprains are very common too. STRAINS: Astrainoccurswhenamuscleor tendon ispulled, tornor twisted. Strains are non-contact injuries, such as those that occur from overstretching. A common exampleofastrain isamusclespasm. Abackorneckstrain isaverycommon injury treated in physical therapy.
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