• The CVB/DMO will host an Opening Kick-Off Reception for The American Legion Family on Saturday, the second official day at 7:00PM. An example of this event is PCMA’s opening or closing reception. CVB/DMO will provide the venue, food and beverage options and entertainment. This is a themed event but not limited to a first-class festival, celebration, fair, military installation, salute to service, patriotic affairs that includes entertainment, etc. CVB/DMO should consult with the local American Legion organizing committee on their thoughts. The event should include all Legion Family members (Legion/Auxiliary/ Sons) to promote camaraderie, networking, and the overall mission of The American Legion. The Opening reception will also include local political dignitaries to ceremonially welcome The American Legion. (Mayor, Congressman, Senators, CVB/DMO President/CEO, local American Legion, etc.) • The CVB/DMO will provide in its bid a suggested venue, preferably in the convention center, but not limited to a musical/symphony hall within one block of the convention facilities for The American Legion’s annual Band Contest. This contest is conducted on Saturday of the National Convention from 1:00PM - 5:00PM. The main hall must have seating for 500 spectators and up to 100 band members on a permanent stage or a stage at least 36’x40’. Additionally, this hall must have at least three (3) separate rooms, which may be used for warm-up rooms during the contest. These rooms must be far enough away, so the practicing music does not carry over to the main contest room. It must also be available on Friday night between 5:00PM
Oklahoma City is pleased to offer The American Legion the following concessions and values for their 2028 National Convention. These concessions are negotiable and additional concessions, not listed, may be requested and are subject to approval. REQUIRED CONCESSIONS PER RFP, CVB APPROVED: • The CVB/DMO will assist the host Convention Corporation in sponsoring a 10x10 exhibit booth at The American Legion National Convention prior to the year that the convention will be held in your city. • The CVB/DMO will grant permission to The American Legion for use of their photo library to promote the upcoming convention. • The CVB/DMO agrees to send motivational materials (800 copies) to The American Legion’s legislative conference, in February/March preceding their convention, to encourage and promote attendance for the national convention in their city in August. • The CVB/DMO will provide a complimentary promotional video that The American Legion may use to promote the upcoming convention. The use of these media will be coordinated between the Bureau and TAL NC&MO. • The CVB/DMO agrees to advertise with The American Legion Magazine & in the Convention Program during the year prior and if needed, during said convention. These advertisements, including the Convention Program, shall be at the minimum of $20,000.00.
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