Middle Tennessee Connected - Regional Transportation Plan

Funding Recommendations

$2.9 Billion Short-Term Priorities

$4.0 Billion IMPROVE ACT Projects

$1.6 Billion Road Reconstruction and Multimodal Upgrades Funding to reconstruct existing roadways to remove traffic bottlenecks, improve safety, or Funding to further develop projects currently identified in the region’s FY 2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program.

$513 Million Dedicated to Modernize the Downtown Interstate Loop Funding to assist TDOT with completing a series of transportation improvements outlined in the 2016 legislation passed by the TN General Assembly. Funding to jump start a series of investments to modernize the Interstates around downtown Nashville to improve safety, traffic flow, and transit access and to help improve quality of life for neighborhoods adjacent to the Interstate.

accommodate facilities for pedestrians and cyclists.

$450 Million Dedicated to Roadway Safety Programs Funding for spot improvements in high crash areas to improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists.

$228 Million Dedicated to Active Transportation Programs Funding for to improve sidewalk connectivity, bicycle routes, and pedestrian safety programs.

How much can we afford? Compared to other U.S. metro areas, Middle Tennessee is heavily dependent on federal funding to pay for major roadway and transit upgrades. A review of transportation A review of transportation plans from 15 peer regions revealed that the Plan for the Nashville area ranked last in terms of funding per capita. Half of those regional plans provided more than twice the funding per capita than this Plan. The difference is attributed to much higher levels of local, regional, or state sources of revenue dedicated to transportation improvements within peer regions.


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