Middle Tennessee Connected - Regional Transportation Plan


GNRC was established by the Tennessee General Assembly as an association of municipal and county governments empowered to convene local and state leaders for the purposes of planning and programming state and federal investments into a range of social services and public infrastructure. GNRC serves as the region’s federally-recognized Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), Area Agency on Aging and Disability (AAAD), and Economic Development District (EDD). GNRC’s role in transportation planning is governed by a Transportation Policy Board which convenes local, state, and federal public officials to oversee the development of plans and programs for the Nashville metropolitan area. COLLABORATIVE DECISIONS The Transportation Policy Board is empowered by federal law to serve as the primary forum for collaboration among local elected officials, public transit operators, TDOT, and other state and federal agencies in order to negotiate a mutually beneficial plan to invest in roadways, bridges, public transit, and other transportation facilities across the greater Nashville area. The collaborative decision-making of the Transportation Policy Board membership is showcased every five years in the form of a regional transportation plan. The purpose of the plan is to direct the investment of public funds and other actions in a way that will provide for a safe and reliable transportation system, help local communities thrive over the long- term, and support the economic productivity of the region and State. The plan is guided by four key principles that embody the shared philosophy and a set of core values that are defined by GNRC’s transportation planning partners and the community at-large.

Guiding Principles

Sustainability Encourage growth without sacrificing the health, natural or historical assets, or financial stability of this or future generations. Diversity Contribute to the region’s economic productivity by prioritizing solutions that connect workforce with jobs,

Livability Enhance quality of life by prioritizing initiatives that increase opportunities for housing, learning, employment, recreation, and civic involvement while maintaining affordability. Prosperity Contribute to the region’s economic productivity by prioritizing solutions that connect workforce with jobs, improve access to markets, and leverage additional investment.

improve access to markets, and leverage additional investment.


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