Middle Tennessee Connected - Regional Transportation Plan


Chapter 1 - Introduction and Plan Highlights Describes the purpose of the plan, federal requirements, and the role of the Greater Nashville Regional Council in convening local, state, and federal officials to develop the plan. Chapter 2 - Regional Collaboration Describes how the region is organized to carry out a regional transportation planning process and the role of the general public in shaping transportation priorities. Chapter 3 - Trends and Performance Identifies keys issues and concerns that the Plan sets out to address and showcases regional trends related to population and employment, land development, traffic congestion, roadway safety, and other important facets of the transportation system. Chapter 4 - Policy Guidance Describes the decision-making authority of the region’s Transportation Policy Board and the policy framework to guide its decisions. The framework includes a set of regional goals, objectives, and strategies that align with national policies and State initiatives. Chapter 5 - Needs and Priorities Provides an overview of transportation needs for the region and the process used to evaluate and prioritize projects for the anticipated funding that will be available to address those needs over the next 25 years. Chapter 6 – Implementation and Monitoring This executive summary report presents key highlights of the Regional Transportation Plan adopted in 2021. The complete document, available online at GNRC.org, is organized into six chapters and a series of technical appendices.

Provides an overview of ongoing opportunities for community engagement, a description of the project implementation process, a set of strategies to mitigate potential impact to vulnerable populations or environmental quality, and a means by which the region can monitor its progress towards achieving its transportation goals. Technical Appendices A profile of the region’s existing transportation assets, the detailed lists of funding recommendations for projects scheduled between 2021 and 2045, and documentation of the planning process, data sources, and assumptions.


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