$ 0 - - & $ 5 * 7 * 5 r $ 0 . . 6 / * 5 : EMBRUN FOOD BANK MONEY
EAP NEWSROOM news@eap.on.ca
A handy little itemwill help staff in local hospital and long-term care facilities reduce the risk of COVID-19 contagion as they go about their regular duties. The “Handy Hooks Helper” project is a joint effort between the Canadian Interna- tional Hockey Academy (CIHA) in Rockland and the Township of Russell, with the help PGUIF6OJUFE$PVOUJFTPG1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM emergency services department. The Handy Hook is a palm-sized device that attaches on a keychain and allows a person to push electronic buttons, press down door catches, unlatch doors and pull door handles, all while avoiding actual direct contact with the door handle or but- ton. That means less risk of contracting COVID-19 from contact with an unsanitized door handle or push-button. )BOEZ)PPLT BSFNBEF CZ"+., B DPNQBOZCBTFE JO UIF6OJUFE,JOHEPN Kiernan Chung, a CIHA student, has been helping his family make the item and was instrumental in getting the company to donate 3000 Handy Hooks for distribution among health care workers in the region. The CIHA is coordinating with Russell Township to distribute the Handy Hooks to health care facilities in the region. Parame- EJDTXJUIUIF6$13BNCVMBODFTFSWJDFXJMM deliver supplies of Handy Hooks to local hospitals and long-term care facilities. LES
The Bons Voisins Good Neighbours Food Bank of Embrun received a very generous tip from all the volunteers who provided free delivery of groceries from Russell Foodland to homebound residents through a program set up by the grocery story and the Russell KinClub. Volunteers who delivered the groceries often received tips from grateful people, and they pooled all those tips into a $4715 donation to the food bank. Pictured during the presentation of the money May 5 are: Ginette Rivet, Embrun food bank (left), Ashley Rainville and Karine Boucher of Russell Foodland, Jean-François Gignac, Embrun food bank president, Nicholas Beauchamp, Russell Kin Club project chair, and volunteer André Larocque. —supplied photo EAP NEWSROOM news@eap.on.ca delivery of groceries to homebound residents during the current pandemic.
Handy Hooks are helpful little tools that allow a person to open a door by the handle or press a push-button without actual physical contact, thus reducing the risk of contracting COVID-19 from some unsanitized surfaces. Local health care workers will receive these items to help them with some of their day-to-day duties through a generous donation by the manufacturer, coordinated through the Canadian International Hockey Academy in Rockland and the Township of Russell. —supplied photo
Beauchamp took charge of the program, organized delivery schedules for both Kin Club members who signed up to help and also other volunteers who stepped forward to assist. The number of deliveries reached a peak of 60 in one day and have since dropped down to an average of 20 to 25 deliveries per day. .BOZSFTJEFOUTXIPCFOFàUUFEGSPNUIF service over the past two months wanted to tip the delivery people. All of the volunteers involved chose to pool all the tip money they received into a fund for the Embrun 'PPE#BOL The accumulated tips, totalling more than $4700, were turned over to food bank PGàDJBMT.BZ BOEWPMVOUFFSTQMBOUPLFFQ on saving their tips for the food bank as they continue to make deliveries while the program continues.
The Bons Voisins Good Neighbours Food Bank in Embrun received a very generous tip, courtesy of the Russell KinClub and its volunteer force. Representatives for the KinClub and local volunteers presented the food bank with $4715, representing almost two months worth of tips from homebound residents grateful for doorstep deliveries of grocery purchases to help them get through the current COVID-19 pandemic situation. “Everyone has been so generous, unders- UBOEJOH BOEBQQSFDJBUJWF uTUBUFE/JDIPMBT Beauchamp, project chairman. “This is a win-win for the entire township.” *ONJE.BSDI 3VTTFMM'PPEMBOEPXOFS operator Karine Boucher and the Russell Kin Club launched a project that Boucher conceived. The plan was for safe home
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Lettre à l’éditeur : Par la présente, nous aimerions remercier les pompiers volontaires qui se sont présen- tés dans la concession 8 Est de Saint-Albert pour éteindre rapidement le feu sur le toit de notre maison. C’était un samedi soir vers 18h, le 7 mars dernier, et malgré tout ils étaient plusieurs intrépides au rendez-vous de l’incendie. Ces CSBWFTQPNQJFSTEF-B/BUJPOPOU SÊVTTJ à étouffer les flammes rapidement, sans trop faire de dégâts d’eau. Les camions de la station 400-Saint-Albert sont arrivés sur les lieux en premier, immédiatement suivis des camions des postes 500-Limoges et 100-St-Isidore. Certains pompiers du service des Incendies de Casselman ont aussi répondu à l’appel. .ÊàF[WPVTEFTÊDVSFVJMT JMTPOUÊUÊUSÍT actifs cet hiver et ont causé d’innombrables
EPNNBHFTBVYQSPQSJÊUÊTø /PVTBWPOT appris, à notre grand désarroi, que notre as- surance «tout compris» ne remboursait pas les dommages causés par les rongeurs... /PVTTPNNFTJOàOJNFOUSFDPOOBJTTBOUT à tous ces hommes honorables qui ont su sauver notre maison ce soir-là. Il ne nous est pas possible de remercier chacun d’eux personnellement, mais, du fond du coeur, .FSDJÆUPVTDFTBVEBDJFVYQPNQJFSTø -FDIFGQPNQJFSEF-B/BUJPOOBQBT voulu nous révéler le nom de la personne qui a aperçu les flammes de la route 7 et qui a immédiatement contacté 911. Si elle se reconnait dans ces lignes, nous lui devons VOFàÍSFDIBOEFMMF
Alain Papineau
info.casselman@technometalpost.com Tel: 613-223-3181 G218507PM
Michelle Bélisle et Laurent Caux Saint-Albert
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