LEMOCC: International Mapping ...

Examples of good practice

Examples of good practice

Examples of good practice

Back to the roots

Project: International training

Countries: Participants from Cyprus, Finland, Italy, Poland and Ukraine

Organisation: Hyvärilä Youth Centre (Finland)

Description: Hyvärilä Youth Centre has many years of experience in environmental education and nature-based adventure education programmes. Sharing this expertise is how it contributes to better quality youth work and ensures that learning outdoors is safe for both participants and nature. Participants from Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Italy and Cyprus learn and build international cooperation networks.

ALL-YOUTH – All youth want to rule their world

Project: Research project (2018-2023)

Countries: Belgium, Finland, United States

Funded by: Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme

Organisations: 19 partners including Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium); Allianssi, Finnish Youth Cooperation (Finland); IES, York College, City University of New York (United States) Description: “ALL-YOUTH – All youth want to rule their world“ is a multidisciplinary research project which explores the capacities of young people (aged between 16 and 25) and the obsta- cles to their engagement with society. The researchers also explore young people’s visions regarding sustainable future, growth and well-being. The main goal of the project is to create opportunities for young people to participate in shaping their own communities and society. The key ideas for sustainable growth are responsive govern- ance and rule of law, digital innovation and sustainable development interventions such as bioeconomy. The project consists of five subprojects. The fifth is entitled “Creating Sustainable Well-Being”. It tests solutions created with young people and by other subprojects and explores how young people can support sustainable well-being and what the potential is for them to be employed in sustainable development.

Contact information: Ekaterina Sysoeva, International Coordinator, phone: +358 50 5708634; e-mail: ekaterina.sysoeva@nurmes.fi

Further information: Hyvärilä Youth Centre (Finland)

CCC-CATAPULT (Challenging the Climate Crisis: Children’s Agency to Tackle Policy Underpinned by Learning for

Transformation) Project: Research project

Countries: United Kingdom, Ireland, Finland, Italy

Organisations: Tampere University (Finland); University of Galway (Ireland); University of Genoa (Italy); University of the West of England Bristol (United Kingdom, project lead);

Description: The project (Dec 2020 – Nov 2023) involves young researchers working with academics to examine young people’s experiences of and learning about the climate crisis. This project takes place in locations across Europe, including Bristol (United Kingdom), Galway (Ireland), Tampere (Finland), and Genova (Italy). A diverse group of young people was recruited in each location to take an active role in both shaping the research itself and collaborating across research locations to explore the research questions. CCC-CATAPULT will co-create a framework that enables young people to express how growing up in their particular contexts and spaces (including formal education, relationships, communi- ties and extracurricular spaces) plays a role in forming their worldviews and openness to new

Funded by: Strategic Research Council (SRC)

Contact information: Research/Interaction Leader: Professor Irmeli Mustalahti Ph.D., University of Eastern Finland, e-mail: irmeli.mustalahti@uef.fi

Further information: ALL-Youth ; Strategic Research Council



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