Examples of good practice
Starkmacher e.V.
implements projects on youth policy-related issues together with its international partners and promotes the exchange of expertise within the child and youth services community, bringing together stakeholders from Germany and abroad to this end. IJAB informs and advises child and youth services providers, poli- cymakers and administrators and offers training courses, international expert exchanges, handbooks and manuals, and specialist publications. It also advises young people on going abroad and obtaining funding. Sustainability is one of the focus topics of IJAB. The climate debate and the associated question of how mobility can be made sustainable in exchanges and encounters is also on its agenda. IJAB has been working on Education for Sustainable Development for several years. For instance, IJAB has published a booklet on education for sustainable development in interna- tional youth work (in German). In 2020 IJAB launched the international project LEMOCC – Learning mobility in times of climate change . The focal point of the IJAB publication IJAB journal 01/2022 is sustainable interna- tional youth mobility.
Starkmacher is a German NGO that offers educational programmes for young people. Its projects and initiatives are based on the four programme pillars Starkmacher GREEN, Starkmacher GLOBAL, Starkmacher ECONOMY and Starkmacher INTERACTIVE. Starkmacher GREEN is the programme for youth projects in the field of educa - tion for sustainable development, ecology and sustain- ability. Starkmacher campaigns for the UN’ Sustainable Development Goals at local and international level and supports regional associations, initiatives and networks in engaging on sustainability. Current green projects are Grünblick, Go Zero Danube 2019 , StartUpcycling , Madie , Preset , Future Lab , EcoNavigation and Marea . Starkmacher GLOBAL involves youth projects and activ- ities that are implemented together with partners from Europe and beyond to build bridges on an international level. Current projects are YoUbuntu 2020, YoUbuntu 2018 , Creative Cacao , Plug In Nkile , Vukuzenzele , Wasser für Marsabit .
Examples of good practice
Eco Trendsetters
Project: International youth exchange
Further information: Starkmacher e. V.
Further information: IJAB
Tourism Watch
Countries: Germany and Poland
JANUN e.V. - LEMOCC partner
Organisation(s): Ludwigstein Youth Meeting House (Germany); Panorama of Cultures Associa - tion (Poland); LAB XXI Foundation (Poland)
Tourism Watch works for sustainable, socially respon- sible and environmentally friendly tourism. It has estab- lished its own discussion and dialogue formats involving relevant policy-makers and tourism managers from Germany and beyond. It publishes material for youth education on responsible travel (in German) and volun- tourism as well as a digital info tool about international fair travel (in German).
JANUN (JugendAktion Natur- und Umweltschutz Nieder- sachsen e. V. / Youth Action Nature and Environmental Protection Lower Saxony) is a state-wide network of youth associations, youth environmental offices, project organisers and other independent groups in the field of nature and environmental protection in Lower Saxony and is unique in Germany. Young adults under the age of 27 are given an opportunity to participate in activi- ties and projects related to environmentalism. JANUN spreads awareness of ecological and social issues and suggests suitable courses of action on an individual and political level. Its topics range from classic environ- mental protection and activism to criticism of globalisa- tion and consumerism. JANUN has run several interna- tional projects such as international youth exchanges on environmental protection and sustainability.
Description: What exactly is sustainability and how does it relate to me? These were the ques- tions to be explored by the participants. During the first meeting in Germany, young people learned about the multiple aspects of the concept, including the ecological dimension, the system of global dependencies, and social aspects. They prepared short films on each of these aspects and thought about actions to take in their neighbourhoods. The second meeting took place in Poland and was dedicated to personal commitment to sustainable development. In between meetings, the young people conducted information campaigns and surveys and prepared peti- tions on cycle path networks and fair trade products, which they submitted to representatives of relevant institutions during the second meeting. Throughout the project, participants put the idea of sustainable development into practice. In addition, they created scenarios for individual parts of the projects in Polish and German, which were made available to the organisers of future exchanges.
Further information: Tourism Watch
Trägerkonferenz der Internationalen Jugendge- meinschafts- und Jugendsozialdienste
The Trägerkonferenz is an association of non-profit workcamp organisations in Germany and organises international workcamps in Germany and abroad where young people from different countries work together in small groups on a charitable project. The camps are between two and four weeks long. Environmental activ- ities are often included and can even be the focus. The website lists organisations that offer workcamps on environment and nature protection; users can filter by continent or country. Workcamps receive public-sector funding under the Child and Youth Plan of the Federal Government and regional (state) youth plans.
Funded by: German-Polish Youth Office (GPYO)
Contact information: E-mail:
Further information: JANUN
Further information: Eco Trendsetters
Further information: Trägerkonferenz
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