LEMOCC: International Mapping ...

Examples of good practice

Examples of good practice

Eco-Friendly Sports

Examples of good practice

Project: Sport project

Countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Türkiye

Organisations: Innovative Education Center (Austria), Budapest Association for International Sports (Hungary), Bulgarian Sports Development Association, Check-In Cooperation and Devel - opment (Portugal), Se Poate Association (Romania), Club Deportivo CHAÑE (Spain), ADEL (Slovakia), Doğa Koruma Merkezi (Türkiye) Description: The project aims to promote sport and physical activities that not only contribute to better health, but also have a positive impact on the environment. The most important outcomes of the project are newly developed methods and events involving environmental education through sport. The Eco-Friendly Sports project consists of 24 workshops and events involving physical activities combined with non-formal education methods.

AYE! (Agroecological Youth Education for Future)

Project: Research project plus youth exchange (2021-2023)

Countries: Czechia, France, Greece, Italy, Serbia, Türkiye

Funded by: Erasmus+

Organisations: AMPI (Czechia), Urgenci (France), AddArt (Greece), Deafal (Italy), Zelena Tranzcija (Serbia), Buğday Association (Türkiye)

Contact information: ADEL (project coordinator): ADEL website

Description: AYE! aims to increase young people’s environmental awareness and ecological literacy by introducing them to agroecology, a holistic science that provides solutions for sustain- able environment and sustainable food systems. The project is aimed at young people aged 13-18 and at educators in the non-formal and informal learning sector. AYE! is working to produce an innovative educational programme in agroecology for youth learners (Trainer’s Digital Platform) supported by new, creative educational materials. The production of these outputs will directly involve trainers and young people. Three international events for trainers will be organised in Italy and France along with a series of local events in each partner country, creating opportuni- ties to share, test and disseminate the main outcomes of the project and enable an enhanced dialogue and exchange between learners and youth educators.

Further information: Eco-Friendly Sports Project , Final project report

Get Aware What You Wear

Project: International youth exchange

Countries: Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Portugal, Serbia, Sweden, Türkiye, United Kingdom

Organisations: Young Improvers for Youth Development (Bulgaria), Youth Council Next Gener- ation (North Macedonia), Collippo - Associação Juvenil (Portugal), Youth Worker Alliance (Serbia), Positive Youth (Sweden), Youth Season Association (Türkiye), Youth Mappers (United Kingdom) Description: The youth exchange “Get Aware What You Wear” took place in 2021 with 35 young participants and seven youth leaders from seven European countries. The aim was to raise awareness among participants of the problem of fast fashion and over-buying clothes. Another objective was to promote sustainable and responsible living and buying by providing partici- pants with knowledge relating to sustainable fashion and environmental protection.

Funded by: Erasmus+

Further information: AYE project description + survey ; The Buğday Movement ; Project report

Funded by: Erasmus+

Contact information: E-mail: nextgeneration.contact@gmail.com

Further information: Get Aware What You wear – project report



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