Learning materials on the topic of “climate” in the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)- learning materials database 2022: The topics of “climate” and “climate change” are also addressed in school curricula within the framework of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Learning materials can support teachers in teaching these curricula. The following learning materials in the database are suitable for primary school and/or secondary levels I and II:
Pour une Information Jeunesse verte, 2021
(in French)
Publisher/Source: ERYICA /Eurodesk France
Resist Toolkit! The toolkit contains non-formal educational activities for children and adolescents on climate change with an intersectional perspective on capitalism, race, gender and children’s rights. (85.3 MB)
• Climate change: understanding and acting • CLIMATE - The Earth and its Atmosphere through the Ages • Our school for the climate - climate protection measures for pupils • Climate protection action booklet • Climate protection, what’s up?! Climate protection and the inner dilemma
Publisher/Source: IFM-SEI International Falcon Movement
Sherpa Sherpa, the German-Polish Youth Office’s website on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) , is an online service for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The website provides background information on different topics, methods and good practice examples relating to sustainable development and wants to integrate this aspect in international youth exchanges to facilitate dialogue between young people from Germany, Poland and other countries. Publisher/Source: German-Polish Youth Office Summits, fish, pyramids Education for Sustainable Development in German-Polish Youth Exchange (only in German) / Gipfel, Fische, Pyramiden: Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung im deutsch-polnischen Jugen- daustausch. The German-Polish Youth Office (GPYO) offers a number of publications including brochures on the topic of sustainability. The brochure Gipfel, Fische, Pyramiden - DPJW (only in German) describes in a simple way how to combine German-Polish youth encounters and sustainability. To this end, it provides a wealth of knowledge and experience from the DPJW’s multi-year programme on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) - “Youth meets Future”. The publication also encourages readers to use Sherpa, the GPYO’s website on ESD . Here, further information material and detailed descriptions of methods are available for download. The recommendations for action on Education for Sustainable Development in German- Polish Youth Exchange (only in German) provide an overview of what Education for Sustainable Development is and how it can be implemented in German-Polish youth encounters. Both publi- cations were financially supported by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU).
Publisher/Source: German Ministry of Education and Research
Learning materials database Learning materials database contains selected teaching and learning materials on Education for Sustainable Development and links to other databases offering such materials. Filters, i.e., “climate” or “non-formal” help users to narrow down their search or specific topics or educational areas.
Publisher/Source: German Ministry of Education and Research
Maailmakool Mondo has created the portal Maailmakool , which offers training materials, methods and training courses for youth workers, educators and teachers. The portal lists a wide variety of materials also on environment, climate and sustainability. The materials are available in Estonian, English and Russian. Training courses are offered for teachers and youth workers on subjects connected with youth and global issues. For example, Mondo provides a training course on digital learning through global education for secondary schools. The course includes a module on environment, climate change and sustainable development.
Publisher/Source: Mondo
Publisher/Source: German-Polish Youth Office
Planning and implementing events sustainably
Sustainable Office
(within DAAD) - a guide (in German) / DAAD-Veranstaltungen nachhaltig planen und umsetzen - ein Leitfaden (PDF, 989 kb).
This guide is addressed at youth organisations, youth workers and young volunteers. PDF, 961 kb.
Publisher/Source: Circular economy for youth
Publisher/Source: German Academic Exchange Service
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