Biola Broadcaster - 1973-05

are things going?" His stoic reply was, "Everything is going accord­ ing to plan — and what a plan!" That is precisely what we have as a picture in the Gospels. Christ was always doing step-by-step what God the Father wanted Him to do. His hour for fullest mani­ festation was not yet come when these healings were performed. Then in John 12:23 we hear Him say, "The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified." The Lord did not want to cause unnecessary opposition to Him too soon. When the hour did come, as we see here, we have a picture of His systematic going on to the cross. This was not a martyr's death. Things were in absolute and perfect control. He could say, "Father, the hour is come." Q. Denver, Colo. "Do you think that the anti-Christ of the future could be Antiochus Ephiphanes in a reincarnated form?" A. Of course, God can do any­ thing which may be in His sover­ eign providence. Antiochus Ephi­ phanes was an infamous character who lived before the time of Christ. He captured Jerusalem and Judea. It was in 168 B.C. that this profane individual offered a pig upon the temple altar of sacrifice, giving honor to Jupiter in the holy place of God. This led, incidentally, to the revolt of the Maccabees which was one of the great heroic eras of all history. Devout Jews gath­ ered together groups of companies which conducted a great civil war against him. Many of Israel were killed as the fighting continued un­ til it was terminated by the Roman conquest in 63 B.C.

Antiochus Ephiphanes represents the ultimate in blasphemous con­ duct. This perhaps is why some people think he may be brought back to life. There is no Scriptural evidence that such will ever take place. The devil, doubtless, has plenty of candidates whom he could use just before the return of Christ during the Tribulation pe­ riod. The anti-Christ will become Satan incarnate as he is guided by this power of evil. Q. San Francisco, Calif. " What was the dispute between Michael, the archangel, and Satan relative to the body of Moses (Jude 9)?" A. In Deuteronomy we read that God Himself buried Moses. To this day, no one knows exactly where that was. It is a good thing or peo­ ple would surely worship the spot. We learn from this verse in Jude just how formidable an enemy Sa­ tan really is. The chief of the angels of heaven would not even treat the event lightly. Actually, only God is a sufficient antagonist of Satan. Remember that Moses appeared with Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matthew 17). Doubtless Satan did not want the patriarch's body to be brought back at that point. Certainly he did not want this attestation of Moses, the great personality of the Old Testament, concerning Christ's mission in going to the cross. Q. Seattle, Wash. " Considering the importance stressed so often con­ cerning the resurrection, do you really believe that Jesus Christ is alive?" A. It is our firm and unequivocal conviction that the Saviour is truly

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