Biola Broadcaster - 1973-05

it ceased to appear human. We cannot possibly conceive of treat­ ing the Lord of glory in such an unspeakably terrible manner! Q. Ferndlae, Wash. " Was the Trin­ ity interrupted during those terrible three hours of darkness when the Lord was on the cross? Did the Father and the Holy Spirit also suf­ fer unbelievably at this time?" A. In answer to your last question, there is no doubt that there was great sacrifice on the part of the entire Godhead. No human, finite mind can even begin to compre­ hend just what this fully meant. We are not certain what you mean by the Trinity being "interrupted." If you mean, was one part removed at any point, then of course not. Every single member is eternal. When Christ, God the Son, took on Himself human form as Mary's baby, the Trinity was not "inter­ rupted." It just meant that one Person of the Godhead, while not ceasing to be God, became entire­ ly Man. The same is true with what took place on the cross. It is true that the Trinity was grieved be­ cause of the sinfulness of man. Al­ though God turned away from the Lord when Jesus called, "Why hast Thou forsaken Me," the Father was utterly and completely satisfied that Christ was doing His perfect will. He was not turning His face away from the obedience of His beloved Son. He turned His face from the awful sight of the ava­ lanche of all the world's sin being heaped upon the Saviour. He was enduring far beyond the human and physical suffering anyone could ever endure.

Q. Walla, Walla, Wash. "I read somewhere that Cod will destroy millions of people someday. How could a loving Creator do such a thing?" A. Some have asked, "Why would a good God condemn anyone to hell?" In His supreme holiness and infinite justice, He has provided for mankind a way by which we may have salvation and eternal life. Keep in mind that God never con­ demns any person to eternal per­ dition. An individual who rejects Jesus Christ as Saviour seals his own destiny by a refusal of receiv­ ing the gift of divine, compassion­ ate love. Remember, too, that hell was never prepared originally for men but for the devil and his fal­ len angels. Man, as a free moral agent, has the opportunity of de­ ciding for eternal life or eternal death. Heaven would never be heaven if it were occupied by even one individual who refused to go God's way. Q. Santa Monica, Calif. "Since all religions today claim that they are the only right one, how can we know that Christianity is the only right one?" A. Biblical Christianity holds that it is the only way to receive eter­ nal life because it is completely grounded and founded on the in­ fallible Word of God. Consider the nature of the Bible itself with the unity of its construction. It is a marvel to see so many writers, in so many different eras, covering so many different subjects,yet giving a message that is so simple and com­ plete: the redemption of Christ. There is nothing like it in all the realm of literature.

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