Biola Broadcaster - 1973-05

joy in living a blatant lie. We must recognize that we are all only sin­ ners saved by grace. The way to joy is through abiding in Christ, through obedience to Christ, by not trying to be somebody that you are not, and by not trying to be better than you really are. Finally, we must stop hating others if we would experience any lasting joy and contentment (I John 2:9-11). A strong emphasis is placed in this passage on not only loving others, but also in mak­ ing certain that we love them con­ stantly. This is exemplified in God's love and grace bestowed upon us. To hate means to walk in darkness. Such thoughts may not be known

by the other person and will only serve to make you miserable. How many nights have you stayed awake planning how you were going to strike back in hate and hurt some­ one. Most find no joy here. Ask Cod to forgive you for the kind of life you have been living. Ask Him to help you love and not hate. This is the only way to possess sat­ isfaction and fulfillment with life. If you apply these truths to your life, on the basis of God's Word, you will find this precious com­ modity of lasting joy which the Lord promises to all His children. God's joy is indeed related to cir­ cumstances, but you can control them through His power for your joy and God's glory.

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