Biola Broadcaster - 1973-05

As we consider the humanity of Christ, remembering He was also Cod incarnate in the flesh, we read that "He made Himself of no rep­ utation, and took upon Him the form of a servant" (Philippians 2:7). Christ could have been born as royalty yet He entered the stream of history with the lowest possible station in life. Regardless of what others said of Him, His was a di­ vine mission, eternally appointed, in the purpose of redeeming fallen mankind. There are two individuals about whom more books have been writ­ ten. They are Napoleon Bonaparte and Jesus Christ. What a contrast between these two. The former was dedicated to satisfying seif while the latter had as His goal Cod's mission of redemption. Napoleon shed rivers of blood upon which to float his own ambition. The only blood Jesus Christ shed was His own, poured out on the cross as the atonement for our sins. On his way to earthly fame, Napoleon left behind him a ghastly trail of the dead. Christ left behind Him a trail of mercy, compassion and life. Under the golden dome of a tre- Page 36

mendous edifice in the city of Paris, the body of Napoleon reposes in a costly red marble tomb. Engraved on the marble walls around the crypt are the names of his great battles. In far off Jordan, in the city of David, in the land of Israel, there is a tomb which thousands go to visit. It is not because Jesus is buried there but because His grave is empty. He is alive for­ evermore. What tremendous con­ trasts between these two. From the ve ry beg inn ing , throughout all the ages of human time, there have been widely dif­ ferent opinions about Jesus. There were those who held that Christ was a deceiver and an imposter. Some thought He was possessed with a demon—that He was an in­ sane man. On the other hand, there have been those who have regarded Him as a great prophet of right­ eousness but little more than that. To us who know Him as Saviour, we believe that He was not only human but also divine in His na­ ture. He is the everlasting Son of God. This is Paul's testimony in Philippians 2:5-11. The most important opinion

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