Biola Broadcaster - 1973-05

one against another. The armies of Caesar brought out a new innova­ tion in warfare as they took up the battle shoulder-to-shouider. Solid legions were the terror of the ancient world. Soldiers marched abreast behind a solid wall of shields. Often the enemy was routed simply because of fear. Even so, we are to advance in harmony against the spiritual foes which are arrayed against us. Epaphroditus was also the mes­ senger of the church at Philippi. Because of his faithful service he became sick and almost died. He did not regard his own life. He felt he was certainly expendable. Some people have erroneously taught that health is a birthright to all believers. We cannot say that all sickness is the result of sin nor the lack of strong faith. Neither is sick­ ness always a sign of God's chas­ tening in the life of a believer. The case of Epaphroditus refutes all of these ideas. He was a man who was to be held in the highest hon­ or. He became sick in the midst of the most unselfish type of Chris­ tian service. Philippi was about 800 miles from Rome. This was a travelling distance of six weeks or more. Even with such a man as Epaphroditus stricken, Paul did not consider that he had any right to demand physi­ cal healing for his fellow laborer. He recognized the problem simply as the mercy of God and in due time Epaphroditus was restored to health. Remember that sickness can be as real from God as health. Paul never taught that healing is in the atonement. Healing is always de­ pendent upon the will of God for our lives. For this reason sickness may be just as much His desire for

us as health. It is not ours to choose. Sickness is often a badge of honor for God's children. What do you suppose Paul was thinking about in those dark days before his execution? It was cer­ tainly not about himself or his own future. He considered only the needs of his fellow believers in Christ. He was willing to sacrifice his own interest for their needs. Are we like that? If not, we need to remember that this is our calling in Christ. The Saviour laid aside His glory to become a part of hu­ man life. He lived and died for others. Have we put up a good spiritual fight to the point where we might even lose our lives? Have we "resisted unto blood"? Paul, Timothy and Epaphroditus did be­ cause of their love for the work of Christ. What tremendous individ­ ual examples these are for us. ABUNDANCE How can a brown, dry field be green again? Not by few raindrops falling now and then, But by a settled downpour, lasting long, And penetrating till grass roots are strong, How can a parched and years- embittered soul Be reached and touched with yearning to be whole? Not by one kindly word, but by an overflow — A steady, loving interest he can know. Love lavished is the whole world's deepest need; Too little and too late our seeming creed; From tiniest baby to the very old, Love, love in plenty, is life's anchor-hold. —Marie Strachan Page 51

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