Biola Broadcaster - 1973-05

even the cattle on a thousand hills belong to Him. This is not what Paul, under the Holy Spirit's in­ spiration, is talking about. He is telling us that Christ set aside the visibility of His glory and the in­ dependent use of His attributes. He became in the form of man that we, through His outward pov­ erty as He took our sin upon Him­ self, might thereby become rich. This cannot mean material riches with which most of our bank ac­ counts would agree. Christ then became spiritually impoverished as Cod the Father turned His face away from Him on the cross. Some truths are to be under­ stood therefore literally and others spiritually. There must be a consis­ tency with the interpretation rather than taking a phrase out of its proper context. The Lord took away the diseases of men by heal­ ing them. He died for our sins, not for our diseases. Look through the four gospels. Was there anytime when Jesus was sick or inflicted with an infirmity during His earthly ministry? While He was hungry and weary, He was never ill. Physical disease has to be looked at differently. In itself, it is not sin, although it might be the result of sin. On the very posi­ tive side, remember that healing is in God's sovereign will, accord­ ing to His desire to answer prayer for His highest glory. We must nev­ er exclude natural or even super­ natural means. Q. San Francisco, Calif. " I would like to have some Information con­ cerning Melchisedec. Just who was he and what importance is there to a study about his relationship to Scripture?''

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