The Experience Magazine: Fall 2022

“The church is alive and well.”

As we praise God for the ministry that is being done by Andrew and others, we must remember to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are living on the front lines of this war every day. Andrew shared a few insights and ways we can be praying for the Church in Ukraine: “I’m deeply moved by the faith and courage that is being displayed by Ukrainian Christians and many ordinary Ukrainian citizens. I have the opportunity and freedom to visit Ukraine and leave whenever I want. Most Ukrainians have to stay and live with the conflict until it ends. This war has united the country, clearly displaying to many people a need for God’s help, and it’s allowing many people to encounter God in the midst of suffering. Our God is close to the broken- hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:18) The church is alive and well, but also experiencing a lot of pressure and pain. In the early days of the war, many churches throughout the country became refugee centers. Today, many are still engaging with those who are hurting by providing aid and care, opening homes and sanctuaries for those who need a safe space to live, and ministering to the souls of those who are in turmoil. We need to pray for endurance for our brothers and sisters. For their protection and healing. The physical war around them is one manifestation of the spiritual war between good and evil that goes largely unseen. We need to pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to work through the saints to bring the good news of the gospel to people who desperately need hope. We also need to pray for an end to the conflict and the healing of the nation. As a pastor, I know that conflict and pain can harden people or it can soften hearts. I’m praying for soft hearts that are sensitive to God and the needs around them. I’m praying against further loss of life and against the bitterness that can come from experiencing injustice and pain. I’m praying for Christians in Ukraine, and around the world, to engage with this war in a way that brings healing and points people to Jesus—our Prince of Peace."

Andrew providing comfort and care to Ukrainians. (above)

A barrier structure with a plea for help in Kyiv. (right)


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