The Experience Magazine: Fall 2022

Rachel (Sergeant '97) Ezelius Brian ‘75 and Donna (Montgomery ‘76) Sergeant, Breanne (Sergeant ‘03) Nowakowski (left)

Mandy (Berger ‘99) Sverduk

Kurt ‘02 & ‘03 and Karina (King ‘02 & ‘03) Hale

Katrina (Derry ‘00 & ‘01) Whitten

Deborah (Sanville ‘79) Fanus and Becky Fanus ‘13

What Are Your Favorite WOLBI Memories? “…sneaking out the windows of South America dorm and then getting a visit later from Ms. Newton [then Dean of Women] reprimanding us.” – Deborah Fanus ‘79 “…almost driving my car into the river, lots of snow, and making some of my best friends that I still remain in contact with.” – Breanne Nowakowski ‘03

“…God constantly pushing and shaping me through OAE, camp counseling, and ministry team leadership. I had a family of brothers and sisters with hearts on fire for God.” – Robert Ewart Jr. ‘14

“…[getting] baptized by Jack Wyrtzen in Schroon Lake.” – Brian Sergeant ‘75

Anne (Pearson ‘87) Long (left)

Duane Paulus ‘03 (above)

Josiah ‘05 and Ashley (Croteau ‘05) Chick

Deb Frey ‘80 (right)

Robert Ewart Jr. ‘14 (left)


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