

Critics target counties’ plan

quarry,” Cowan said, “it is to support its po- tential designation so that it can be deter- mined if there could be a quarry or not.” Other criticisms expressed during the public hearing concerned a special policy proposal for the Ivaco Rolling Mills area in Champlain Township as part of the official plan, and concerns that there is not enough attention given to environmental and life- style issues, including protection of Areas of Natural Science Interest such as the Jes- sup Falls Escarpment in Alfred-Plantagenet Township. The counties office will continue accept- ing written briefs on the official plan report until Nov. 22 after which the report, along with all related comments, criticisms and requests, goes to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for review and recom- mendations. The final version of the UCPR official plan won’t be back on the counties council table for approval until next spring at the earliest.


L’ORIGNAL | Too much attention on iden- tifying potential quarry sites and not enough on the environmental and life- style values. That is the main complaint against the latest report on the official plan for Prescott-Russell. More than a hundred people packed the counties council chamber Nov. 13 for the afternoon public hearing on the United Counties of Prescott-Russell Official Plan re- view (UCPR). Suzanne Lavoie from Mariposa Farm in Plantagenet was the first of close to two dozen area residents at the microphone commenting on and criticizing the latest official plan revision. She charged counties planning staff with relying too much on a report from the consultant firm, Stantec, which she said is flawed and focused more on identifying potential sources of aggre- gate material for future development. “This (Stantec) study is simply a work tool or planning tool for the counties,” she said. Raymond Romania of Plantagenet told council that the Stantec report contradicts information provided on the area from the Ontario Geological Survey about the loca- tion of potential aggregates. “They (Stantec) are adding parcels of land that make no sense at all,” Romania said, re- garding some of the mineral designations. Critics of the Stantec report claim there is not enough attention to protecting the en- vironmental values of the Jessup’s Falls Es- carpment area in Alfred-Plantagenet Town- ship. They fear the area may still see future development of an asphalt plant there. PB Paving, the company which had pro- posed the asphalt plant development, has suspended the project for now following local grassroots opposition and also the re- luctance of township council to support its proposal. During the public hearing Alan Cowan, a legal representative for the company, told counties council that provincial policy pro- tects aggregate resources for“potential use” and supports identifying such sites in offi- cial plans “as far as it goes”. Cowan noted that before any new quarry project can open all local concerns about environmental impact and other issues must be dealt with during the study pro- cess. He asked counties council to keep an open mind. “The decision you make is not to open a

Photo Gregg Chamberlain

Suzanne Lavoie led off the public hear- ing on the counties official plan, calling a consultant’s report used for the plan a “flawed” document. Concern about fu- ture development of an asphalt plant in the Jessup’s Falls area still weighed on the minds of many residents who spoke during the hearing.

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