King's Business - 1942-07



July, 1942

That May Issue Letters to the Editor

ber. Each number presents a well- balanced group of articles of real value. It provides also an excellent guide to Christian books and period­ icals. Thanks„ for past issues, and more power jto you for even a more exten­ sive publication than ever! _ Youth is puzzled concerning many simple problems which can be easily answered—questions that deal with the Bible and the Christian life. Many Christian magazines d e v o t e some space to answering such ^questions; however, I have not noticed such a column in your publication. S o m e may not consider this part of the magazine to be interesting, but I know that it was a column of this sort, in another paper that kept me from dan­ gerous error in my first year of the Christian life. Can you find space for about' eight or more questions whifch people are asking about the Bible in your forthcoming issues? Waiting to Hear From You What readers think — and, even mere, what they feel they really need— is of vital con­ cern to every magazine's edi­ torial staff. Further, the staff wishes to know whether the pages of the publication arouse action— and of what kind. On this page, THE KING'S BUSINESS presents a group of l e t t e r s , most of them from y o u n g p e o p l e , expressing varied reactions to the May issue of THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS, the special Youth Num­ ber of this magazine, 7 To meet every reader’s need, and to do it within the limits of a forty-four page publica­ tion, is an impossibility, we know— but we are TRYING! C o mm e n t s and constructive suggestions from our readers are welcomed gladly. Please address your l e t t e r s to the office of the Managing Editor, THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. MABEL HUGHES, Los Angeles, Calif. •

I expect to be In the Army.berore many more months; I shall be look­ ing for your splendid magazine in the camp. If it is not, then it will be my privilege to see that one gets there.* AMOS D. MEYERS, Aitch, Pa. •- When I read the account by Miss Selway entitled "Called to the Wit- ness Stand,” I thought, “Why not let’s have some of that kind of material which

I want to tell you how much I en­ joyed Allison Selway’s article entitled “ Called to the Witness Stand,” which appeared in' the May issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS. The reason for my unusual interest in this article lies in the fact that Miss Selway and I were both students at the same junior college' When she made her brilliant defense of the Word of God. At that time I merely knew of her courageous stand, but knew nothing of the facts involved. ’ The Lord, used Miss Selway’s wit­ ness to strengthen me in the living of an uncompromising Christian life on the campus. Often I was asked to state my views on various topics in a psychology class. Many times this called for a personal testimony to make my position clear. -Usually the class reaction was unmistakably an­ tagonistic and, of course, anything but helpful to one’s social status. After several occurrences similar to these, it was greatly encouraging to me to hear that a fellow student dared to stand out alone for God in her phil­ osophy class. How I rejoiced that a fellow believer on a college campus was not ashamed to suffer for Christ's sake! Philippians 1:29. EARL KUESTER, Arcadia, Calif. The story of “When Don Maxwell Was Aroused,” in your May issue, spoke a definite message to my heart How I wish I had witnessed for my Lord in high school! Aroused by this example of Don Maxwell, I am sure many of us college students, will re­ turn this vacation to our former high- school pals determined to tell them about the One we have failed to men­ tion before. ALICE B. CARLSON, Caldwell, Idaho. • May I compliment you on y o u r magazine as a whole. It has been in our home as far back as I can remem­

S. M. EDMISTON, Long Beach, Calif. •

In .reading “Called to the Witness Stand,” I became so engrossed that I read almost all of the articles in the magazine. I would like to congratu­ late you on your May issue. _ > .

STANLEY ARNOLD, Santa Barbara,' Calif.

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